Archaeology News Headlines April 2014

The Morien Institute - The events of July 16th to 22nd 1994, when the remnants of a fragmenting comet, P/Shoemaker-Levy 9, bombarded the surface of Jupiter causing fireballs many times the size of our own planet, were an abrupt wake-up call even for those who were aware of them. The historical sciences generally, and Archaeology in particular, have collectively painted a picture of the past as if our planet stands alone in empty space. Nothing could be further from reality. Our resilient planet exists in a solar system that has experienced a very dynamic history over the past 20 to 30 millennia, and it is only from this wider solar system perspective that the true history of human civilisation will ever be fully understood. The Morien Institute archive therefore contains relevant material from many disciplines.

an image of a meteor flashing through the sky

Image of a revolving globe showing current sea levels since the last ice age, before which many ancient societies like Atlantis flourished all over planet Earth on what are now sunken lands.

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As we enter the 21st century technological advances are coming to the aid of scientists of all descriptions. But it will likely be the Marine Archaeologists, whose discoveries on the continental shelves that were once the coastal plains of the archaic world that will most significantly change our picture of the past. We cannot go on thinking of the past from the scant knowledge available to us from excavations of the remains of ancient peoples discovered solely on the dry land we now live on.

This dry land comprises around 29% of the total surface area of our planet and the remaining 71% is currently ocean. Over the last 17 years or so The Morien Institute has been carefully documenting as much information about new discoveries underwater as we can find, and The Morien Institute Marine Archaeology Archive gives just a glimpse of the many recent discoveries showing evidence of sometimes ‘vast coastal settlements’ that were inundated by rising seas in ancient times.

During the last Ice Age the ‘sea-levels were more than 300 feet lower than they are today’, and a wide band either side of the equator enjoyed a pleasant enough climate for human civilisation to have flourished in many parts of the world. When the sea levels rose as the ice sheets melted ‘many coastal settlements disappeared under the waves’ – forgotten except in the oral traditions of peoples in every land. These oral traditions represent an invaluable archive of knowledge from the archaic world, but they are almost always dismissed by academic archaeologists and prehistorians who have traditionally regarded them simply as ‘quaint myths’ which they collectively claimed have no bearing on reality.

But that is a very foolish perspective. What remains of the oral traditions of the many ancient societies that once developed on our planet must be preserved at all costs so that future peoples can study the wisdom of ancient peoples with an open mind that was sadly absent from past academic thinking. These oral traditions are now acknowledged as being the invaluable ‘Indigenous Knowledge’ of ancient peoples, and represent a collective understanding of the natural world that had developed through careful observation over countless millennia. Despite the scepticism expressed in some academic disciplines, we cannot afford to let this ancient knowledge die out simply because the supposed “experts” of today cannot understand it.

Neither can we continue to look at the prehistory of human societies and civilisations as if our planet somehow stands alone in empty space. Nothing could be further from reality. Our immediate solar system environment is more of a ‘cosmic shooting gallery’ than a vast expanse of emptiness, and a great body of evidence is building which shows that the environmental impact of encounters with comets, asteroids and cometary debris has been responsible for ‘the destruction of numerous ancient civilisations’ on several occasions in the archaic world over the past 10 to 20 millennia.

Alongside this our planet orbits a very dynamic star, which we call the Sun, and modern research is showing that our weather, and its long-term trends we refer to as our climate, is very much determined by its moods. Sometimes the sun is quiet, with few sunspots and few solar storms. At other times it is very active with many sunspots, many solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) of charged particles that impact our geomagnetic field with sometimes disastrous consequences for all organisms on Earth, including humans and their societies.

Many scientists are coming to realise that these strong, X-class CMEs can, and have had, catastrophic effects on our climate, abruptly ending Ice Ages and bringing with them solar radiation that can threaten all life on Earth. Exactly how many times this has happened in the past is unknown at present, but scientists are beginning to recognise their “fingerprints” in a variety of proxy data records, and in the near future we will know more for certain.

Throughout the last few hundred years, and quite probably before that, individual researchers ranging from the eccentric ‘Gentleman Antiquarians’ of the 17 & 1800s to the so-called ‘dissident professors’ of the 20th century have pursued lines of enquiry which has horrified general academia. Those individuals were ridiculed and their ideas vociferously opposed by academic archaeologists and prehistorians who had often invested a lifetime’s work in what the more honest amongst them might reluctantly admit in private company to have been a totally inaccurate view of human prehistory.

Theories that many ‘megalithic sites’ began life as some form of observatories acting as ‘early-warning systems’ for imminent impacts of cosmic debris from the break up of a giant comet have been emerging over the last 30-50 years or so. Evidence supporting these theories is helping not only to date some of these monuments, but also illustrates how well their builders were oriented in time and space. A new appreciation that our ancestors were acutely aware that the Earth orbited the Sun, and that it periodically encountered streams of cometary debris, suggests that ancient peoples understood the dynamics of the solar system to a far greater degree than has previously been acknowledged.

Dr. Duncan Steel, then of Spaceguard Australia, presented a paper to the Society for Inter-Disciplinary Studies conference at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, in July of 1997, in which he gave details of his research suggesting that the earlier ‘henge circle’ which preceded the stone circles at Stonehenge could have been deliberately constructed to function as a ‘cosmic impact early warning system’. His paper, “Before the Stones: Stonehenge I as a Cometary Catastrophe Predictor” makes for interesting reading for all serious students of ancient astronomy, astro-archaeology, archaeoastronomy and prehistory.

The Cambridge Conference focussed primarily on the effects of ‘natural catastrophes resulting from the impacts of cometary debris’. These impacts were presented as being the likely causes of the sudden collapse and in many cases the total destruction of various Bronze Age civilisations, giving rise to radical cultural changes, and to a number of new religions with accompanying astro-mythologies that had hitherto been impossible for academia to understand.

The simultaneous collapse of these civilizations has long puzzled archaeologists and prehistorians as the vast areas affected ran right across the ‘fertile crescent’ destroying the most advanced societies of the time, ranging in distance from Greece and Anatolia through to Mesopotamia and Afghanistan and continuing eastwards to encompass India and Central Asia.

The cause of the most perplexing ‘Bronze Age Event’ around 2350 – 2300 BC has only recently become clear as a wide variety of ‘ologists from various disciplines have begun reviewing the mythologies of the time. What they have found throughout numerous inter-disciplinary studies are the accurate observations of ancient skywatchers describing cosmic bombardment and flooding which in every case, and in every region, came directly from the ancient skies.

These ‘natural cosmic catastrophes’ were recorded by all ancient societies and passed down through countless generations to become the oral traditions that are held sacred by the peoples whose ancestors directly experienced them, but which are often dismissed as being ‘quaint myths that have no bearing on reality’ by so-called scholars who have never even tried to understand them. Bombardment of our planet by cosmic debris is, like all things in the natural world, a cyclical phenomena. If ancient traditions are any indication it has happened many times in the past, and if we dismiss the records kept by ancient peoples simply because they were recorded in a language that our modern scientists cannot understand, then we will not be prepared when it happens again.

The sophistication and unprecedented accuracy of ‘the astronomical phenomena that was an integral part of almost all of the megalithic structures’ that have been discovered on most continents suggests a long period of development, yet academic archaeologists and prehistorians have been at a loss to explain them. Most have simply ignored the astronomy, or made idiotic statements about ancient peoples not being capable of that level of understanding, but ‘there they are for all the world to see’.

In October 1900, Captain Dimitrious Kondos was leading a team of sponge divers near the island of Antikythera off the coast of Greece. They noticed a shipwreck about 180 feet below the surface and began to investigate. Amongst the artifacts that they brought up was a coral-encrusted piece of metal that later Archaeologists found was some sort of gear wheel. The rest of the artifacts, along with the shape of the boat, suggested a date around 2000 years ago, which made the find one of the most anomalous that had ever been recovered from the world’s seas. It became known as ‘The Antikythera Mechanism’.

In 2006 the journal “Nature” published a letter, and a full paper about the mechanism was published in 2008, detailing the findings of Prof. Mike G. Edmunds of Cardiff University. Using high-resolution X-ray tomography to study the fragments of the anomalous Antikythera Mechanism, they found that it was in fact ‘a bronze mechanical analog computer’ that could be used to calculate the positions and various cycles of the Moon – as seen from the Earth.

This incredible discovery is indisputable evidence that ancient peoples were far more capable of understanding the cyclical nature of the movements of celestial bodies and various temporary celestial phenomena than they have previously been given credit for, and
‘The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project’ has definitively shown that they were also more than capable of constructing devices which could predict them. There was much discussion about its supposed anomalous nature, but it is only anomalous if viewed in isolation or in the context of a completely inaccurate view of prehistory. In the context of the astronomical knowledge embedded into the siting and construction of megalithic structures a long period of development becomes evident, and is deserving of radical review in light of The Antikythera Mechanism.

Over the past 17 years or so The Morien Institute has archived new archaeological discoveries as well as new interpretations of old archaeological discoveries. In our news pages we list many items that may not seem directly related to a better understanding of what our ancestors saw and experienced in ancient skies. But ‘astro-mythology’ and its interpretation, and constant review of our currently poor appreciation of the scientific achievements of our ancestors remains the common theme that we feel ties most of them together. It is only an open-minded approach to prehistory, and a willingness to accept what is found rather then attempting to make new discoveries fit into some pre-conceived paradigm, that will help us gain a better understanding of our ancient past than is currently taught in our schools, colleges and universities.

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Top April 2014 New Discoveries

“Evidence from Tempest Stela may shift Pharaoh chronology”


“Shepherds Spread Grain Along Silk Road 5,000 Years Ago”


“Ancient burial site said to contain treasures that dwarf Tutankhamun’s”


“Humans Came to Americas from Asia 9,000 Years Earlier than Previously Thought”


“New Evidence Exonerates Rats as Bearers of Black Death”


“Messengers to the Gods”


“3,300-year-old tomb with pyramid found, Abydos burial ground”


“Flood myths reveal our changing coastline and climate”


“The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project”



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News Headlines Digest
April 2014

“9,000-Year-Old Caribou Hunting Structure Found Submerged in Lake Huron”

Popular Archaeology (USA)

“Archaeologists unearth 8th century B.C.E. seal in Galilee”

Ha’aretz (Israel)

“New Genetic Findings About Stone-Age Scandinavian Farmers and Hunter-Gatherers”

Popular Archaeology (USA)

“UNESCO Director General visits Iran’s Takht-e Jamshid”

PressTV (Iran)

“New C14 technique helps date Australian rock art”

Past Horizons (UK)

“Rich archaeological finds in Sicily”

Nauka w Polsce (Poland)

“Ancestor of ancient flying reptiles found”

ABC Science News (Australia)

“Finding Long-Lost Shipwrecks Is Part of Canada’s Strategy to Win the Arctic”

Motherboard (USA)

“8,500-year-old footprints rewrite Istanbul’s history”

Today’s Zaman (Turkey)

“Was Native American history purposely lost?”

Daily Herald (USA)

“Were the Native American tribes, once honored for their agriculture and building prowess by the pilgrims and others, demoted to mere savages by the United States government as a way for them to lose their history and to be better controlled?

Steven E. Smoot believes so, and he shared his story with nearly 800 people attending the Saturday session of the Book of Mormon Evidence Conference at the SCERA Center for the Arts.

The 13th semi-annual conference is neither sponsored nor supported by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Smoot’s hypothesis is based on earthen mounds and archaeological artifacts found throughout Ohio, Mississippi and other heartland states between the Canadian border and the Gulf of Mexico.

Most notable are the mound cities and burial grounds like those found in the Mississippi Valley.

‘This was a more highly advanced civilization than previously thought’, Smoot said.”

[Read The Full Story]

[FYI – Steven E. Smoot co-produced a documentary and a recent book on these themes:

“The Lost Civilization of North America”

“Lost American Antiquities: A Hidden History – Silencing the Ancient Mound Builders”
(2013) – Ed.]

“China Kryptodrakon fossil discovery may shed light on origin of Pterodactyl”

Delhi Daily News (India)

“U.N. Focuses on Underwater Cultural Heritage of Small Islands”

Independent European Daily Express (Netherlands)

“Cold War Spy-Satellite Images Unveil Lost Cities”

National Geographic Daily News (USA)

“Online Poll: Campaign to secure World Heritage Status for Callanish”

Stornoway Gazette (Scotland)

“Hikers Find Human Skull and Bones in Gush Etzion Cave”

The Jewish Press (Israel)

“DNA analysis solves the mystery of how Europeans came to be farmers”

The Independent (UK)

“Cougars show how to survive extinction”

ABC Science News (Australia)

“Roman treasure uncovered, Limburg”

NL Times (Netherlands)

“International Research Team Names Most Primitive Species Of Flying Reptile”

Red Orbit (USA)

“Two Saiti tombs unearthed near Egypt’s Minya”

Ahram Online (Egypt)

“A Spanish-Egyptian team has uncovered two 26th Dynasty tombs during excavation work at Al-Bahnasa archaeological site in Minya.

Al-Bahnasa was known in the ancient Egyptian era as the town of Pr-Medjet, developing in the Graeco-Roman period to be the city of Oxyrhynchus.

According to a statement by the Ministry of Antiquities, the first tomb belongs to a scribe whose his name is not yet identified but was important, having influence on Egypt’s cultural sphere.

The tomb houses some of his funerary collection.

A bronze inkwell and two small bamboo pens were found beside the deceased’s mummy, which is in a very good state of preservation.”

[Read The Full Story]

“Stonehenge tunnel plans could be revived”

The Daily Telegraph (UK)

“Norman site may soon be lost to sea”

Gorey Guardian (Ireland)

“Indian artifact treasure trove paved over for Marin County homes”

San Francisco Chronicle (USA)

“Anglesey: Mysterious artefact discovered at Neolithic tomb”

Daily Post (Cymru)

“Great Wall remains found in northwest China”

Shanghai Daily (China)

“Extinct Species of Fly Discovered in Translucent Tomb of Amber”

Science World Report (USA)

“Greek Goddess Statue Found At Illegal Excavation in Turkey”

Greek Reporter (Greece)

“Siberian Mummies in Copper Masks Pose Mystery”

Discovery News (USA)

“Retired army general wants Egypt’s St. Catherine’s Monastery demolished”

Ahram Online (Egypt)

“Purana Qila excavation raises hopes of finding Mahabharata link”

Delhi Daily News (India)

“Rome celebrates 2,767th birthday”

ANSAmed (Italy)

“Book debunking Viking myths launched in Limerick”

Limerick Leader (Ireland)

“Anatomically Modern Humans Left Africa Earlier Than Previously Thought, Suggests Study”

Popular Archaeology (USA)

“Rock engravings discovered near Palakkad”

The Hindu (India)

“Chilean Mummies Reveal Signs of Arsenic Poisoning”

Sudan Vision (Sudan)

“People of numerous pre-Columbian civilizations in northern Chile, including the Incas and the Chinchorro culture, suffered from chronic arsenic poisoning due to their consumption of contaminated water, new research suggests.

Previous analyses showed high concentrations of arsenic in the hair samples of mummies from both highland and coastal cultures in the region.

However, researchers weren’t able to determine whether the people had ingested arsenic or if the toxic element in the soil had diffused into the mummies’ hair after they were buried.

In the new study, scientists used a range of high-tech methods to analyze hair samples from a 1,000- to 1,500-year-old mummy from the Tarapaca Valley in Chile’s Atacama Desert.

They determined the high concentration of arsenic in the mummy’s hair came from drinking arsenic-laced water and, possibly, eating plants irrigated with the toxic water.”

[Read The Full Story]

“26th dynasty tombs found in Minya”

Egypt SIS (Egypt)

“The Mystery Of Ancient Animal Domestication – Why Not Zebras?”

Science 2.0 (USA)

“6,000 year old axes newly discovered after recent storm”

Irish Central (Ireland)

“Archaeologists find 2,000-year old chisel used to build the Western Wall”

Ha’aretz (Israel)

“Scientists Trace Origins of Domesticated Chili Pepper to Central-East Mexico”

Sci-News (USA)

“Secrets of Whitehawk Stonehenge to be revealed”

The Argus (England)

“Neanderthals and Cro-magnons did not coincide on the Iberian Peninsula”

Universidad del País Vasco (Euskadi)

“Archaeologists Explore Ancient Roman Forum of Philippopolis”

Popular Archaeology (USA)

“Ancient Roman theatre discovered in Florence”

ANSA (Italy)

“Bronze Age skeleton of dagger-clutching Racton Man could have been a King or priest”

Culture24 (UK)

“Largest bath in Roman era a costly investment of time”

Hürriyet Daily News (Turkey)

“Sacrificial and Common Graves Alike Reveal Diversity in Ancient City of Cahokia”

Western Digs (USA)

“Whether they died from natural causes or as sacrificial offerings, the residents of America’s largest prehistoric city were surprisingly diverse, with at least a third of the population having come from communities up to hundreds of kilometers away, according to new research of the settlement’s ancient graves.

Known to archaeologists as Cahokia, the city once stood near modern-day St. Louis, in a swath of Mississippi River floodplain known as American Bottom.

At its peak 900 years ago, it was the metropole of a sprawling civilization whose social, economic, and religious influence reached from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico.

By the mid-12th century, archaeologists estimate, Cahokia and its outlying villages were home to as many as 50,000 people, living in pole-and-thatch structures clustered around plazas, the landscape looming with constructed earthen mounds topped with ceremonial buildings.

Dozens of burial pits have been discovered in and around Cahokia, some featuring scores of bodies neatly arranged in rows, others bearing only a few, richly ornamented remains.

At least one interment has been found to contain the remains of more than 50 people, mostly young women, the apparent victims of ritual sacrifice.”

[Read The Full Story]

“Neanderthal Children Played With Toy Axes, Say Experts”

Sudan Vision (Sudan)

“Archaeologists Remove Wooly Mammoth From Open Mine Pit In Serbia”

Design & Trend (USA)

“Graffiti defaces prehistoric rock art in Libya”

France 24 (France)

“Bee Fossil Analysis Helps Gain Insight into Ice Age Environment”

Austrian Tribune (Austria)

“Neanderthals, First Humans did not Meet on Iberian Peninsula”

Nature World News (USA)

“The Exodus: Does archaeology have a say?”

The Jerusalem Post (Israel)

“Tunisia gives Roman artefact back to Algeria”

Al-Jazeera (Qatar)

“Suffolk Bronze Age axe and ring hoard ‘undervalued'”

BBC News (UK)

“In crumbling tombstones, Penang’s link to ancient Chola”

The Malay Mail Online (Malaysia)

“Shipwreck off St. Pete slated to be underwater preserve”

WTSP 10 News (USA)

“Foreign Collaboration Gives a Hand to Iraq’s Antiquities Professionals”

AINA (Assyria)

“New insights on ancient Portuguese horse engraving”

Stone Pages – Archaeo News (Italy)

“Archaeologists’ findings may prove Rome a century older than thought”

The Guardian (UK)

“It is already known as the eternal city, and if new archaeological findings prove correct Rome may turn out to be even more ancient than believed until now.

Next week, the city will celebrate its official, 2,767th birthday. According to a tradition going back to classic times, the brothers Romulus and Remus founded the city on 21 April in the year 753BC.

But on Sunday it was reported that evidence of infrastructure building had been found, dating from more than 100 years earlier.

The daily Il Messagero quoted Patrizia Fortini, the archaeologist responsible for the Forum, as saying that a wall constructed well before the city’s traditional founding date had been unearthed.”

[Read The Full Story]

“Bulgaria seizes ancient gold treasure”

The Sofia Globe (Bulgaria)

“China’s top 10 archaeological discoveries in 2013 revealed”

People’s Daily Online (China)

“Goddess style, made in Greece”

Neos Kosmos (Greece)

“Farming Changed Human Bones, Suggests Study”

The New York Times (USA)

“4,500-year-old boat among Viking artifacts hoard discovered in Galway”

Irish Central (Ireland)

“Rare Ancient Coffin in Jezreel Valley Holds Egyptian Pharaoh’s Signet Ring”

The Jewish Press (Israel)

“Neanderthals were no strangers to good parenting”

Science Daily (USA)

“Pre-Columbian Archeological Boom Underway in Costa Rica”

Costa Rica Star (Costa Rica)

“Farming Changed Human Bones, Suggests Study”

Popular Archaeology (USA)

“Remnants of Sailendra dynasty allegedly found”

The Jakarta Post (Indonesia)

“The real flood: Submerged prehistory”

Past Horizons (UK)

“How 6,000 Years Of Agriculture Transformed Athletic Humans Into Couch Potatoes”

BioNews Texas (USA)

“Researchers at Cambridge University, U.K. finds that after agriculture’s emergence in Central Europe starting around 5300 BC, bones of those living in the Danube River valley became progressively less strong, pointing to a regressive decline in human mobility and loading.

The scientists observe that human bones are remarkably adaptable and respond surprisingly quickly to change. When under stress through physical exertion – such as long-distance walking or running – bones gain in strength as fibres are added or redistributed according to where stress is are highest.

This ability of bone to adapt to loading is shown by analysis of skeletons of modern athletes, whose bones show remarkably rapid adaptation to both the intensity and direction of strains.

Because the structure of human bones can inform us about the lifestyles of the individuals they belong to, they can also provide valuable clues for biological anthropologists investigating past cultures.”

[Read The Full Story]

[A very interesting story that will vindicate those who’ve argued that ‘the history of so-called human civilisation is really the history of human disease’. Well worth the read – Ed.]

“Ice Age Giants: Series 1 Episode 3 Last Of The Giants”

ABC iView Documentary Video (Australia)

“7 Sunken Cities Around The World”

Wall St. Cheat Sheet (USA)

“Shattered heritage”

The Express Tribune (India)

“Park was stomping ground for Ice Age hunters”

The Hinckley Times (UK)

“Egyptian ministries working to get back stolen cartonnage”

Ahram Online (Egypt)

“7 Sunken Cities Around The World”

Wall St. Cheat Sheet (USA)

“Cambodia’s Angkor Wat temples included in Google’s Street View”

Jagran Post (India)

“Offa’s Dyke evidence at Chirk suggests earlier build”

BBC News (UK)

“Google digitises Angkor Wat”

IOL (South Africa)

“Humans and saber cats coexisted 300,000 years ago”

Business Standard (India)

“Search for Inca ‘lost city’ in Amazon may endanger indigenous people”

The Guardian (UK)

“A French writer and adventurer plans to explore one of the most remote parts of the Peruvian Amazon in search of a ‘lost’ or ‘secret city’ that may have been built by the Incas, but there are fears that the expedition could endanger the health of isolated tribes that have never been exposed to common human diseases.

Thierry Jamin believes that the city, which he calls ‘Paititi’, could lie somewhere in a 215,000-hectare protected area called the Megantoni National Sanctuary in the Cuzco region of south-east Peru.

‘The magnificent discoveries realised by my group in the valleys of Lacco, Chunchusmayo and Cusirini in the north of the department of Cuzco lead towards a precise zone situated in the national sanctuary of Megantoni’, Jamin told the Guardian via email.

‘Several natives of the forest – Matsiguengas – assert that ‘monumental ruins’ exist at the top of a strange square mountain.

I think that we are very close to officialise the existence of this big archaeological site.'”

[Read The Full Story]

“‘Homo’ is the only primate whose tooth size decreases as its brain size increases”

Science Daily (USA)

“Resurrection at Thebes?”

Al-Ahram Weekly (Egypt)

“Evidence from Tempest Stela may shift Pharaoh chronology”

Past Horizons (UK)

“Polish archaeologists discovered dozens of archaeological sites in Cambodia”

Nauka w Polsce (Poland)

“Shepherds Spread Grain Along Silk Road 5,000 Years Ago”

Discovery News (USA)

“3,300-Year-Old Egyptian Tomb Unearthed at an Ancient Cemetery in Abydos”

French Tribune (France)

“Ancient statues stolen from Sudan heritage site”

News24 (UK)

“Byzantine mosaic from 596 AD uncovered in Negev”

Ha’aretz (Israel)

“Ancient burial site said to contain treasures that dwarf Tutankhamun’s”

Catholic Online (USA)

“Work halts on Omagh development after ‘dinosaur bone’ unearthed”

Ulster Herald (N. Ireland)

“Ancient ruins uncovered at Marana Outlets site”

Explorer News (USA)

“3,800-year-old biblical fortress discovered in City of David”

The Jerusalem Post (Israel)

“Humans Came to Americas from Asia 9,000 Years Earlier than Previously Thought”

International Business Times (UK)

“Humans arrived in the Americas from Asia at least 9,000 years earlier than previously believed, archaeologists have said, citing an analysis of stone tools found in caves in Brazil.

The discovery of stone tools at Serra da Capivara National Park in northeast Brazil last year suggested humans were present on the American land as early as 22,000 years ago, according to the scientists.

The radiocarbon dating of spear points found in the 1920s placed the arrival of big-game hunters across the Bering Strait about 13,000 years ago, forming the basis of when humans were believed to have arrived in the Americas.

“If they’re right, and there’s a great possibility that they are, that will change everything we know about the settlement of the Americas,” Walter Neves, an evolutionary anthropologist at the University of Sao Paulo, told the New York Times.

The National Park, a Unesco World Heritage Site, is itself a testimony to several evidences that have “forced a sweeping re-evaluation of the fundamental traditional theories underpinning the origins of human settlement in the Americas”.”

[Read The Full Story]

“New Saber-Toothed Cat Discovery Sheds Light On Interactions Between Early Humans … “

Red Orbit (USA)

“Ice Age Giants: Series 1 Episode 2 Land Of The Cave Bear”

ABC iView Documentary Video (Australia)

“Byzantine Monks Used Asbestos Beneath Wall Art”

Live Science (USA)

“Off-roading 4×4 vandals wrecking Mendip ancient monuments in Somerset”

Western Daily Press (England)

“3,300-year-old tomb with pyramid found, Abydos burial ground”

NVO News (India)

“Byzantine Monastery Unearthed In Israel Has Spectacular Mosaics”

Huffington Post (USA)

“Israel recovers 11 looted ancient burial boxes”

Hürriyet Daily News (Turkey)

“Flood myths reveal our changing coastline and climate”

The Conversation (UK)

“Fossilised remains of new dino species discovered in Waterford”

Irish Examiner (Ireland)

“Dingo a distinct species, study says”

PhysOrg (USA)

“Black death burial site uncovered”

ABC Science News (Australia)

“The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project”

Cardiff/Athens Universites (Cymru/Greece)

[In October 1900, Captain Dimitrious Kondos was leading a team of sponge divers near the the island of Antikythera off the coast of Greece. They noticed a shipwreck about 180 feet below the surface and began to investigate. Amongst the artifacts that they brought up was a coral-encrusted piece of metal that later archaeologists found was some sort of gear wheel.

The rest of the artifacts, along with the shape of the boat, suggested a date around 2000 years ago, which made the find one of the most anomalous that had ever been recovered from the Greek seas. It became known as The Antikythera Mechanism.

In 2006 the journal “Nature” published a letter, and another paper about the mechanism was published in 2008, detailing the findings of Prof. Mike G. Edmunds of Cardiff University. Using high-resolution X-ray tomography to study the fragments of the anomalous Antikythera Mechanism, they found that it was in fact a bronze mechanical analog computer that could be used to calculate the astronomical positions and various cycles of the Moon – as seen from the Earth: – Ed]

Part of the Antikythera Mechanism

an image of Part of the Antikythera Mechanism, which is also a clickable link directly to the Lichfield Blog story

Antikythera Mechanism Research Project

2000-year-old analog computer recreated

More Antikythera Mechanism Information & Commentary:

“Return to Antikythera: Divers revisit wreck where ancient computer found”

The Guardian Science Blog (UK)

“In search of lost time”

Nature (UK)

“World’s First Computer Displayed Olympic Calendar”

Wired Gadget Lab (USA)

“Antikythera Mechanism – World’s earliest existing analogue computer”

HotnHit News (India)

“In search of lost time”

Nature (UK)

“Imaging the Antikythera Computer”

Wired Gadget Lab (USA)

“Decoding an Ancient Computer: Greek Technology Tracked the Heavens”

Scientific American (USA)

“2,000 Year Old Computer Yields Her Secrets”

Wired Gadget Lab (USA)

“Watch a video explaining the Antikythera mechanism”

Nature (UK)

“Antikythera mechanism”

Wikipedia (USA)

“World’s First Computer Rebuilt, Rebooted After 2,000 Years”

Wired Gadget Lab (USA)

“Antikythera: A 2,000-year-old Greek computer comes back to life”

The Guardian Science Blog (UK)

Google image search results for The Antikythera mechanism

Google (USA)


Sponsored Links:

“The 2300 BC Event – Vol. 1:
Archaeology and Geophysics
& The Meteoroid Stream”


M. M. Mandelkehr

“The 2300 BC Event takes a new look at an old puzzle: what happened
at this date to cause the various advanced societies on the Earth to simultaneously collapse?

Civilizations in Anatolia and Greece, through Egypt and the Middle East, and eastward to India and Central Asia were at their height. The collapse of these civilizations due to earthquakes and climatic changes has been mirrored by similar interruptions on all continents, in the Arctic, and extending to the Pacific.

The discontinuities have long puzzled archaeologists and historians. New religions and accompanying mythologies appeared at this time in all cultural regions describing bombardment and flooding from the skies.

Strangely, the dominant aspect of the mythologies, however, is the observation and worship of a ring appearing to surround the Earth, oriented to the two Ursa (Bear) constellations.”

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“The 2300 BC Event Vol. 2:
The Eyewitness Accounts”


M. M. Mandelkehr

“Some time around 2300 BC the Earth encountered a dense clustering of space debris, the early Southern & Northern
Taurid meteoroid stream. The result was an intense fall of meteoroids, some of them sufficiently large to cause surface destruction.

Simultaneous with the meteoroid fall was a huge downpouring of water which caused flash flooding. Extensive destruction and loss of life resulted. An astonishing aspect of the event was the formation of a ring surrounding the Earth, reflecting sunlight during the day, hiding some stars at night, and moving around the sky through a 24-hour period.

Following the ‘main event’, there were crustal movements which shifted the location of water sources, and caused earthquakes which destroyed settlements. Abrupt severe climate changes occurred.”

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“The 2300 BC Event Vol. 3:
The Eyewitness Accounts 2″


M. M. Mandelkehr

“The Northern/Southern Taurid meteoroid stream is identified as the specific meteoroid stream that the Earth encountered at 2300 BC.

The Earth’s encounter with a dense cluster of large objects would produce atmospheric phenomena very different from the pleasant and interesting night displays of meteor trails that are within our own experience.

The rain of objects would have generated extraordinary visual and auditory effects combined with ground vibrations; and under extreme conditions would bring about severe surface destruction and loss of life.

The overall event was associated by the people with powerful deities and formed the basis for major religions. The mythologies and traditions are, in large part, the residues of those religions.”

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“Natural Catastrophes During Bronze Age Civilisations”

(British Archaeological


Benny J. Peiser

Trevor Palmer

Mark E. Bailey


Research in the field of neo-catastrophism and impact cratering has quickened its pace since the early 1980s. Scholars such as Victor Clube, Bill Napier, Mark Bailey, Sir Fred Hoyle and Duncan Steel claim that a more ‘active’ sky might have caused major cultural changes of Bronze Age civilizations, belief systems and religious rituals.”

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“Mysteries and Discoveries of Archaeoastronomy:
From Giza to Easter Island”


Giulio Magli

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“A Sumerian Observation of the Kofels’ Impact Event”


Mark Hempsell
Alan Bond

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“Megaliths, Myths &
Men: An Introduction to
Astro- Archaology”


Peter Lancaster Brown

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“Stairways to the Stars: Skywatching in Three Great Ancient Cultures”


Anthony Aveni

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“Avebury Cosmos:
The Neolithic World
of Avebury henge


Nicholas R. Mann

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Sun, Moon and Earth


Maria Wheatley
Busty Taylor

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“A Little History of
Stages in the Transformation
of a Heresy”


John Michell

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“Canada’s Stonehenge: Astounding Archaeological Discoveries in Canada, England, and Wales”


Gordon Freeman

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“Under Ancient Skies:
Ancient Astronomy and
Terrestrial Catastrophism”


Paul Dunbavin

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April 2014
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