Archaeology News Headlines October 01 to December 31 2018

The events of July 16th to 22nd 1994, when the remnants of a fragmenting comet, P/Shoemaker-Levy 9, bombarded the surface of Jupiter causing fireballs many times the size of our own planet, were an abrupt wake-up call even for those who were aware of them. The historical sciences generally, and Archaeology in particular, have collectively painted a picture of the past as if our planet stands alone in empty space. Nothing could be further from reality. Our resilient planet exists in a solar system that has experienced a very dynamic history over the past 20 to 30 millennia, and it is only from this wider solar system perspective that the true history of human civilisation will ever be fully understood. The Morien Institute archive therefore contains relevant material from many disciplines.

an image of a meteor flashing through the sky

Image of a revolving globe showing current sea levels since the last ice age, before which many ancient societies like Atlantis flourished all over planet Earth on what are now sunken lands.

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Morien Institute News Headlines Archive


January 01 – March 31 |
April 01 – June 30 |
July 01 – September 30

Marine Archaeology News 2018 |
Astro-Archaeology News 2018



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Saturday, February 25, 2023 


December 2018 News Headlines


“The bone hunters”

ABC Science News (Australia)

“Immense timber structure found at ‘sacred’ Newgrange site during summer drought”

The Irish Times (Ireland)

“This Native American Nation Maintained Canals In The Face Of Flooding For Over 1000 Years”

Forbes (USA)

“Bronze Age regicide? German forensics team say prince of Helmsdorf was murdered”

Deutsche Welle (Germany)

“Vast stretch of underwater Ice Age sand dunes preserved as stone”

ABC Science News (Australia)

“Fossils tell a colourful tale”

Nature (UK)

“Pterosaurs are the first known vertebrate group to have evolved powered flight — preceding birds and bats by many millions of years.

Ranging from the size of small birds to that of small planes, pterosaurs lived alongside the dinosaurs and went extinct at the same time.

Many things about these creatures remain mysterious, not least their origin — the earliest pterosaur fossils found so far seem to have been fully capable of flight, and there is no confirmed transitional fossil to show from which reptilian group they emerged.

This is different from, say, birds.

Revelations over the past two decades that bird-like feathers were present on dinosaurs — ground dwelling and with the flight capability of a sack of spanners — have illuminated our understanding of the evolution of birds and their characteristic structures.”

[Read The Full Story]

[A great story from Nature once again! It seems we are regularly hearing of new research which challenges all the ‘presumptions’ made in the past, and timelines are regularly having to be urgently revised in the light of new research. It’s well worth a visit to read the full story – Ed.]

“The Atlantis-Style Myths That Geology Proved To Be True”

Forbes (USA)

“Ancient coloured ‘pencil’ up to 50,000 years old found in Siberia”

The Siberian Times (Russia)

“How Neanderthal DNA might have shaped some human brains”

Nature (UK)

“8,300-Year-Old Stone Snake Heads Reveal Stone Age Ritual Ceremonies”

Ahram Online (Egypt)

“Ancient grape seeds may link Sri Lankan trading port to Roman world”

Live Science (USA)

“Earthquake struck Machu Picchu in 1450 study concludes”

Peruvian Times (Peru)

“Complete skeleton of Tasmanian devil on steroids reveals secrets of Australian stealth predator”

ABC Science News (Australia)

“4,000-Year-Old Board Game Found Tucked Inside An Azerbaijan Cave”

IFL Science (UK)

“2018 The Year of Archaeological Discoveries”

Egypt Today (Egypt)

“Archaeologists discovered nearly 2000 years old Germanic cemetery”

PAP (Poland)

“‘Planet of the chickens’: How the bird took over the world”

BBC News (UK)

“Clay Tablet with Homer’s Verses and Ancient Shipwreck Among ‘Top 10 Discoveries of 2018′”

Greek Reporter (Greece)

“Ancient cemetery from the Mochica culture discovered in Chiclayo”

Peru Reports (Peru)

“Archaeologists hit mother lode in Bela Krajina”

STA (Slovenia)

“Ancient grape seeds may link Sri Lankan trading port to Roman world”

Science Magazine (USA)

“Visit Mantai, nestled into a bay in northwestern Sri Lanka, and today you’ll see nothing but a solitary Hindu temple overlooking the sea.

But 1500 years ago, Mantai was a bustling port where merchants traded their era’s most valuable commodities.

Now, a study of ancient plant remains reveals traders from all corners of the world-including the Roman Empire-may have visited or even lived there.

Mantai was a hub on the ancient trade networks that crisscrossed the Indian Ocean and connected the distant corners of Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.

The port town flourished between 200 B.C.E. and 850 C.E.

During that time, it would have been a nexus for the spice trade, which ferried Indonesian cloves and Indian peppercorns to Middle Eastern and Roman kitchens.”

[Read The Full Story]

[An excellent story from Science Magazine! The true extent of marine trading in antiquity is barely understood, and this study is helping to lift the veil of ignorance around this. We will likely find it was far, far greater than ever imagined by mainstream archaeology with its dominant Euro-centric paradigm.

It’s well worth a visit to read the full story – Ed.]

“What are fairy forts? Why do they still exercise power over the Irish?”

Irish Central (Ireland)

“The Acheulian Evidence”

The Navhind Times (India)

“Archaeologists found treasure from the Bronze Age”

The Slovak Spectator (Slovakia)

“Chinese archaeologists unveil deluxe carriage from 2,500 years ago”

XinhuaNet (China)

“New study upends timeline of Iroquoian history”

PhysOrg (USA)

“‘A travesty’: Archaeologists enraged after Stonehenge site ‘damaged’ during drilling work”

Preston Review (England)

“Burial well dating back to Middle Kingdom uncovered”

Egypt Today (Egypt)

“New Light on the Ancient Human Populations of Patagonia”

Popular Archaeology (USA)

“50,000 year old tiara made of woolly mammoth ivory found in world famous Denisova Cave…”

The Siberian Times (Russia)

“U–Pb-dated flowstones restrict South African early hominin record to dry climate phases”

Nature (UK)

“Rich Bronze Age finds from the excavation at Petroto, Trikala in Greece”

Tornos News (Greece)

“Rethinking the history related to indigenous sites in northeast North America”

EurekAlert (USA)

“More light on the Saite Period”

Al-Ahram Weekly (Egypt)

“The Record Says Humans Came Out Of Africa. He Says We Went In”

Forbes (USA)

“No archaeological evidence there was a temple under Babri Masjid… “

Free Press Kashmir (Kashmir)

“Plague linked to the mysterious decline of Europe’s first farmers”

Nature (UK)

“Europe’s first farming populations were wiped out by plague, say researchers who have identified genomes of a 4,900-year-old strain of the plague-causing bacterium Yersinia pestis from a Neolithic burial site in Sweden.

The scientists say their discovery suggests that plague emerged and spread through Europe earlier than was previously thought – but others aren’t so convinced.

The Y. pestis sequences are as old as any known plague strain – and they sit closer than any other to the base of the deadly pathogen’s evolutionary tree.

‘We are at the beginning of the evolution of this disease’, says Simon Rasmussen, a computational biologist at the University of Copenhagen who led the study, published on 6 December in Cell1.

Other scientists say the strain’s discovery is significant – but that it doesn’t back up the authors’ bold claims about the spread of plague through Neolithic Europe.”

[Read The Full Story]

[A really interesting story from Nature! The origins of plague have been controversial for many years as various reseachers point to different possible triggers. But the plague-carriers reactions to abrupt climate changes make the most sense whatever the primal cause, beit dust-loading of the stratosphere by cometary dust or terrestrial volcanism.

It’s well worth a visit to read the full story – Ed.]

“A Meteor may have Exploded in the Air 3700 Yrs Ago damaging Communities Near the Dead Sea”

Universe Today (USA)

“Stone tools prove humans were in North Africa 2.4 million years ago”

Asia Times (Thailand)

“Documentary Chronicling the Assyrian Identity Post-Empire Will Be ‘First of Its Kind'”

AINA (Assyria)

“Denarii diplomacy: Exploring Scotland’s silver age”

Current Archaeology (UK)

“New signs of Tibet’s earliest humans found”

ECNS (China)

“Syrian archaeologists plead for help during conference in Thessaloniki”

Greek City Times (Greece)

“Eight ancient painted mummies discovered in Egypt”

Panorama AM (Armenia)

“Stone Age food was haute cuisine”

Cosmos (Australia)

“Exploring the watery remains of France’s sunken Roman port of Olbia”

PhysOrg (USA)


an image of a meteor flashing through the sky


November 2018 News Headlines



“New archaeological site revises human habitation timeline on Tibetan plateau”

PhysOrg (USA)

“Côte d’Ivoire Demands France Return Ivorian Artwork”

Morocco World News (Morocco)

“Stone Age Humans Feasted on Caviar”

Smithsonian Magazine(USA)

“East Africa may lose its crown as ‘cradle of mankind'”

The Jakarta Post (Indonesia)

“The ‘Chinese Pyramids’ and the pole star”

PhysOrg (USA)

“Stone mask from the Neolithic era found in the West Bank”

ABC News (Australia)

“New facilities to aid S. China Sea archaeological studies” (China)

“Scientists Might Have Found Atlantis, Plato’s Lost City”

Canadian Homesteading (Canada)

“New artifacts found in thwarted illegal excavations”

Egypt Independent (Egypt)

“Aswan’s Tourism and Antiquities Police secured new archaeological discoveries during a Wednesday raid on an illegal excavation, near the Temple of Edfu.

The police received reports of a group searching for antiquities around the ancient Edfu Temple, north of Aswan.

After obtaining permission from prosecutors, the police arrested the suspects as they were making three archaeological excavations near the Edfu Temple.

In the first excavation, murals of sandstone bearing inscriptions were unearthed, with part of a small, 12-centimeter-tall statue of an ancient Egyptian god.

Four suspects were arrested with digging tools, while the owner of the house where excavations took place escaped.”

[Read The Full Story]

[Great to see more looters being caught red-handed and arrested. If found guilty, they can then be ‘recycled’ into Soylent Green to be fed exclusively to the antiquitiesa dealers who encourage the looters. That’ll soon stop it. It’s well worth a visit to read the full story – Ed.]

“Sodom And Gomorrah May Have Been Destroyed By An Asteroid Strike”

Sask News Now (USA)

“VR Experience Shows the Sunken Ships in the Black Sea”

Novinite (Bulgaria)

“Archaeologists find the oldest burials in Ecuador”

PhysOrg (USA)

“Unique glasses are found in the ancient Kastek city in Almaty region”

Kazakh TV (Kazakhstan)

“Archeologists find Viking sword in southern Turkey”

Anadolu News (Turkey)

“How ancient Mayan shell decor led to a new look at freshwater mussels south of the border”

Heritage Daily (UK)

“Dozens of Ancient Greek shipwrecks discovered looted off Albanian coast”

Tornos News (Greece)

“The first ever Celtic chariot burial in Wales has been found in a Pembrokeshire field”

Tivy-Side Advertiser (Cymru)

“Ice Age Cave Art Found Under Layers of Centuries-Old Graffiti”

Live Science (USA)

“7,500-year-old footprints discovered in northwestern Turkey’s Bursa”

Daily Sabah (Turkey)

“Evidence may push back history of Tehran by 6,600 years”

Tehran Times (Iran)

“In the Chesapeake Bay, Shell Mounds Show a Long History of Sustainable Oyster Harvests”

Hakai Magazine (Canada)

“Indigenous peoples in the Chesapeake harvested oysters sustainably for thousands of years-until the introduction of new techniques by Europeans decimated the stocks.

As long as 3,200 years ago, Indigenous peoples living along the banks of the Chesapeake Bay harvested oysters in vast quantities.

They extracted the meat and piled the shells into mounds known as middens.

Archaeologists have long studied these shell mounds-some of which are meters deep-for a window into the lifestyles of these peoples: what they ate, how they hunted, and the tools they used.

Now, clues unearthed in these mounds also suggest they likely knew a thing or two about how to sustainably harvest oysters.”

[Read The Full Story]

[An excellent story from Hakai Magazine! That Europeans should devastate a sustainable foodstock is typical of the ‘gold rush’ mentality that simply consumed everyting to extinction, then moved on to greener pastures leaving local peoples to starve. It’s well worth a visit to read the full story – Ed.]

“Russian archaeologists unearthed ancient Greek settlement in Crimea peninsula”

Tornos News (Greece)

“Polish archaeologists uncover oldest temple in Persian Gulf region”

Polish Radio (Poland)

“Why 536 was ‘the worst year to be alive’”

Science Magazine (USA)

“3,700-year-old skeletons of woman, fetus discovered in Egypt’s Aswan”

Ahram Online (Egypt)

“Inside a Native Stronghold”

Archaeology Magazine (USA)

“Ancient Women Shaman of Ireland: Goddesses of Prophecy and Omens”

Ancient Origins (Australia)

“The not-so-dangerous lives of Neanderthals”

Nature (UK)

“Remains of ‘money tree’ discovered in Sichuan tomb” (China)

“Polish Diggers Unveil Largest Neolithic Settlement in Jordan’s South”

Al-Bawaba (Jordan)

“Ancient Egyptians knew of the variability of the Algol Triple Star System thousands of yrs ago”

Inquisitr (USA)

“Statue Found in Bulgaria Could ‘Push Back’ Europe’s Neolithic Era”

Novinite (Bulgaria)

“Ancient City of Tenea Unearthed in Greece”

Greek Reporter (Greece)

“Few locals see Kurdistan’s easily-viewed archeological treasures”

Kurdistan24 (Kurdistan)

“Has a Piece of the World’s Oldest Computer Been Found?”

The Daily Beast (USA)

“If you ask someone who invented the computer they might say Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. They would, of course, be wrong.

Perhaps they might mention Alan Turing (who proposed a “Universal Computing Museum”) or the US Navy’s WWII era Torpedo Data Computer.

But computers, which were initially conceived of as calculating devices, are much older than that and older than the modern world.

The world’s oldest analog computer is the Antikythera mechanism, an ancient Greek device designed to calculate astronomical positions.”

[Read The Full Story]

[Interesting article in The Daily Beast based on a story in Ha’aretz! The discovery of the Antikythera mechanism has caused mayhem in the mainstream archaeological world.

The old paradigm that ancient peoples were unsophisticated has been thoroughly turned on it’s head, and the academics don’t like it at all…..

So we are not surprised that a version published by in Australia has links to stories about ‘Star Wars and its Atlantis connection’ and ‘Ancient Aliens’ nonsense embedded throught the story they published.

Such is the state of play in modern mainstream archaeology – pathetic attempts to discredit OOPARTS by association with other published drivel online.

It’s well worth a visit to read the full Daily Beast story, but it just reports the Ha’arets story with some background. Even so it’s still worth a peep, but also read the story below – Ed.]

“Antikythera anticlimax: ancient computer excitement a case of over-anticipation” (Australia)

“Jhapa’s Kichakbadh in shadow sans promotion”

The Himalayan Times (Nepal)

“Some of Earth’s water came from a stream of hydrogen long ago”

Astronomy Magazine (USA)

“Study casts new light on fishing throughout history”

Mirage News (Australia)

“Tegenu Gossa Aredo: Studying prehistoric African archaeology”

Deutsche Welle (Germany)

“Here’s How Peru’s Ancient People Survived in the Treacherous Andes”

Live Science (USA)

“Ancient medicine”

Global Times (China)

“World’s oldest-known animal cave art painted at least 40,000 years ago in Borneo”

ABC Science News (Australia)

“Russian Archaeologists Discover Ancient Greek Settlement in Crimea”

Greek Reporter (Greece)

“Ancient genomics is recasting the story of the Americas’ first residents”

Nature (UK)

“Ancient genomics is finally beginning to tell the history of the Americas – and it’s looking messy.

An analysis of genomes from dozens of ancient inhabitants of North and South America, who lived as long ago as 11,000 years – one of the largest troves of ancient DNA from the region studied so far – suggest that the populations moved fast and frequently.

The findings were published on 8 November in Cell and Science.

The studies suggest that North America was widely populated over a few hundred years, and South America within one or two thousand years by related groups.

Later migrations on and between the continents connected populations living as distantly as California and the Andes.

‘These early populations are really blasting across the continent’, says David Meltzer, an archaeologist at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, who co-led the Science study.”

[Read The Full Story]

[This report in Nature is one of the most important in recent times to explain how the Americas were populated. The wanderings of the various peoples show that they appeared to always be on the move, and easily adapted to the various changes in climate from SAlaska to Chile. It’s well worth a visit to read the full story – Ed.]

“Why Did the Clovis People Mysteriously Vanish”

History Channel News (USA)

“Archaeologists discover mummified scarab beetles in Egypt”

Deccan Chronicle (India)

“Egypt unearths 7 pharaonic tombs near capital Cairo”

CGTN (China)

“These 2,000-Year-Old Embalmed Heads Show How Ancient Celts Celebrated Victory”

Live Science (USA)

“Ancient artefacts uncovered”

Turks & Caicos Weekly (Turks & Caicos Islands)

“Chinese archaeologists discover 2,000-year-old liquor in ancient tomb”

XinhuaNet (China)

“Prehistoric teeth give up their secrets”

PhysOrg (USA)

“8000 Yr Old Veiled Mother Goddess near Vidin ‘Pushes Back’ Neolithic Revolution in Europe”

Archaeology in Bulgaria (Bulgaria)

“Ancient Ceremonial Complexes Revealed in World’s Driest Desert”

Live Science (USA)

“Dinosaur eggs were colourful and passed pigmentation to birds today: study”

ABC Science News (Australia)

“Palaeolithic cave art in Borneo”

Nature (UK)

“Figurative cave paintings from the Indonesian island of Sulawesi date to at least 35,000 years ago (ka) and hand-stencil art from the same region has a minimum date of 40 ka.

Here we show that similar rock art was created during essentially the same time period on the adjacent island of Borneo.

Uranium-series analysis of calcium carbonate deposits that overlie a large reddish-orange figurative painting of an animal at Lubang Jeriji Saléh-a limestone cave in East Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo-yielded a minimum date of 40 ka, which to our knowledge is currently the oldest date for figurative artwork from anywhere in the world.

In addition, two reddish-orange-coloured hand stencils from the same site each yielded a minimum uranium-series date of 37.2 ka, and a third hand stencil of the same hue has a maximum date of 51.8 ka.”

[Read The Full Story]

[Another great discovery of cave art that pushes back the earliest dates for such expressions of ancient human imagination and the copying of what they observed in their environment. It’s well worth a visit to read the abstract and access the full story – Ed.]

“Potatoes Were Not Just A Symbol Of The Elite In Ancient Peru, Archaeologists Find”

Forbes (USA)

“Archaeologists unearth stunning ancient statues by farmer planting olive trees in Greece”

Tornos News (Greece)

“What was medicine like in prehistoric times?”

Medical News Today (UK)

“Researchers recreate ancient climate from Neanderthal teeth”

Mirage News (Australia)

“Teeth Offer Window Into Neanderthal Childhoods”

Archaeology Magazine (USA)

“Smugglers lay hands on Buddha’s compassion”

The Telegraph (India)

“Students discover 6000-year-old stone axe at home of first US president”

New Zealand Herald (New Zealand)

“What Happened In The Past When The Climate Changed?”

Eurasia Review (Tartastan)

“8,000-year-old village sites found in Inner Mongolia”

The Nation (Pakistan)

“How Were The Pyramids Built? Scientists Discover How Ancient Egyptians Moved Huge Stones”

Newsweek (USA)

“Korea’s archaeological research presented in English”

The Korea Herald (South Korea)

“Life Before the Clovis: Portable Rock Art as Evidence of Pre Ice Age Humans in North America”

Ancient Origins (Australia)


an image of a meteor flashing through the sky


October 2018 News Headlines



“Measure Earth”

ABC Radio National (Australia)

“Excavation of King Ramses II shrine in Matariya complete”

Ahram Online (Egypt)

“Maize cob from prehistoric village reveals record-setting virus”

Nature (UK)

“The bone hunters”

ABC News (Australia)

“Pair of 3,000 year old sites dug up in Cusco”

Peru Reports (Peru)

“‘Painted People’ in Scotland Developed Written Language 1,700 Years Ago”

Live Science (USA)

“The Picts, a fierce group of people who lived in Scotland during ancient and medieval times, may have developed their own written language about 1,700 years ago, according to results from new excavations.

The Picts (which means “Painted People” for their distinctive tattoos and war paint) are part of the reason the Roman Empire was never able to conquer Scotland.

Every time the Romans tried to invade, the Picts and other Scotland inhabitants drove the would-be conquerors back.

At times the Picts went on the offensive, attacking Roman-controlled England, forcing the Romans to send legions to try to beat attackers back.

However, while the Picts were often in conflict with the Romans, new research published today (Oct. 26) in the journal Antiquity, suggests that these people may have gotten the idea for a written language from the Romans.”

[Read The Full Story]

[An excellent story from Live Science! So little is really known about The Picts, and every discovery is a welcome addition to the body of knowledge that has built up. That they developed their own writing using many symbols is not surprising as they played a much more important role in northern Europe than they are given credit for.

The Romans depicted them as ‘barbarians’ and ‘savages’, but they did that with all the peoples whose lands they sought to conquer and control. It’s well worth a visit to read the full story, and here is the link to the paper in Antiquity referred to in the story – Ed.]

“Tools discarded 6,000 years ago found near Muir of Ord”

BBC News (UK)

“Unique Wooden Figures Found at the Ancient Site of Chan Chan”

Peruvian Times (Peru)

“ABC News fabricates story using suspected false study”

Egypt Today (Egypt)

“World’s Oldest Shipwreck was Discovered in the Black Sea, About 50 Miles off the Coast of Bulgaria”

Novinite (Bulgaria)

“3,000 Years Ago, This Strangely Tattooed Woman Could Have Been a Respected Magician”

Science Alert (USA)

“Shedding new light on New Zealand’s first arrivals”

Noted (New Zealand)

“Mysteries of the past that stupefy us”

The Daily Star (Bangladesh)

“Archaeologists discover oldest olive groves in Croatia dating 3,500 years”

Croatia Week (Croatia)

“Fossil of flesh-eating fish and its victims captured in 150-million-year-old crime scene”

ABC Science News (Australia)

“Bronze-Age wall discovered in northeast Iran”

Tehran Times (Iran)

“Time to hew a new antiquities law”

The Hindu (India)

“Cultural vigilantism threatens to cast a long shadow on the production of knowledge of the past.

The construct around a civilisational history frequently emerges from untouched archaeological sites.

Consequently, the premium has long been on archaeologists guiding a nation on what constitutes its history, memory and culture.

This ingrained notion has foundationally resulted in the framing of India’s laws based on a singular view of what constitutes an antique.

To hang onto this view in today’s age is destructive as can be seen from the fate of antique collecting across India.

The prevalent assumption that is constantly alluded to is that every object held by an institution or a collector must have been surreptitiously removed from a shrine or a sacred site.”

[Read The Full Story]

[This is a very important story that The Hindu has published. When it comes to our history and prehistory many mainstream paradigms, including the storage and rights of interpretation have been confined within outdated parameters set up often for religious, political or academic reasons. This call for a radical review of antiquities law is long overdue, and most other clountries would do well to follow this sensible Indian example. We highly recommend a visit to read the full story – Ed.]

“The Old Stones: Remarkable Development of the Avebury Landscape”

Ancient Origins (Australia)

“Antiquities Ministry invites foreign ambassadors to celebrate sun alignment at Abu Simbel temple”

Egypt Independent (Egypt)

“3,200-year-old artifact linked to Assyria found in eastern Turkey”

Daily Sabah (Turkey)

“First Neanderthal Human Tooth Discovered in Iran”

IFP News (Iran)

“More ancient wrecks and pottery discovered in Greek ships’ graveyard”

Tornos News (Greece)

“Reassessing evidence of life in 3,700-million-year-old rocks of Greenland”

Nature (UK)

“Archaeologists discover Thor’s Hammer amulet at previously unexplored site in S. Iceland”

Iceland Magazine (Iceland)

“What Contributed to the Downfall of the Ancient City of Angkor in Modern Cambodia?”

Popular Archaeology (USA)

“Archaeologists uncover rare Celtic remains”

SwissInfo (Switzerland)

“Archaeologists from canton Lucerne have uncovered rare Celtic remains on a construction site in the city of Egolzwil about 35 kilometres from the city of Lucerne.

The discovery of a bronze piece of jewellery is considered a particularly exceptional finding.

The fact that Celts once lived in canton Lucerne has been known since sacrificial remains were found on the site of a former lake in the area some time ago.

However, this new discovery, reported on Tuesday, is the first traces of settlements that have been found to date, which archaeologists hope can shed light on the history of the Celts in the area.”

[Read The Full Story]

[What a great discovery! The Celts were all over the continental European area, not just Britain and Brittany, and Atlantic coastal areas further south. Well done SwissInfo for bringing this find into the public domain. It’s well worth a visit to read the full, but short, story – Ed.]

“Viking ship discovered in Norway”

Science Nordic (Norway)

“Huge if True: The Archaeological Case for Goliath”

Ha’aetz (Israel)

“A six-week heat wave in the U.K. and Ireland exposes nearly 5,000 years of history”

Archaeology Magazine (USA)

“Slovak scientists contributed to reveal Maya’s agriculture principle”

The Slovak Spectator (Slovakia)

“Archaeologists find ‘vampire burial’ site of a child feared capable of rising from the dead”

The Province (Canada)

“Easter Island discovery: Experts unravel mystery of ancient statues” (Australia)

“Santorini Excavation Brings to Light Impressive New Findings”

Greek Reporter (Greece)

“A Recent Underwater Find Could Change the History of the World”

Maritime Herald (Bulgaria)

“Did Ancient Climate Change Affect Human Evolution?”

Discover Magazine (USA)

“Climate change may be on everyone’s lips since the recent UN report, but don’t let that fool you.

The shifts in climate we’re beginning to see are nothing new, as far as Earth – or our ancestors – are concerned.

But while all the talk nowadays focuses on how to change the course of the climate’s evolution, a study out today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests shifts in ancient weather patterns may have affected our own species’ evolution.

Researchers had long theorized that climate change might have impacted hominin evolution, but the data was sparse.

No good repository of data combined accurate weather data over time with fossil evidence and other archaeological data.

So, the team of geoscientists behind today’s paper went out and got that data.

They took core samples from Lake Magadi in southwest Kenya, sampling layers so deep they go back over a million years.”

[Read The Full Story]

[An excellent story from Discover! It’s always good to see reports of scientists discussing ancient climate change, and especially remarking that what we are observing today is “NOTHING NEW”.

This study helps everyone to understand that basic truth, and also to beging to question some of the climate change dogma that has reigned supreme, often hysterically so, in recent decades.

It’s well worth a visit to read the full story, and do follow the many embedded links – Ed.]

“The Origins of the Orkney Isles’ Megalithic Culture – its Roots in Britain’s Lost Atlantis”
Part Two

Ancient Origins (Australia)

“Archaeological artefacts discovered during TAP excavations”

Tirana Times (Albania)

“Neolithic, Bronze Age items discovered in Yunnan” (China)

“Ancient shipwrecks tell tale of trade routes”

Hürriyet Daily News (Turkey)

“The Origins of the Orkney Isles’ Megalithic Culture – its Roots in Britain’s Lost Atlantis”
Part One

Ancient Origins (Australia)

“Ancient rock carvings in India hint at a 12,000-year-old lost civilisation”

Quartz India (India)

“A Field Guide to the Megalithic Sites of Britain and Ireland”

Heritage Daily (UK)

“Extinct bones may have solved mystery of human arrival on Madagascar”

The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)

“When silver was Scotland’s most desired metal”

Scottish Field (Scotland)

“Ancient Maya: Astronomers, Farmers … And Salt Entrepreneurs?”


“Scientists discover the oldest human remains in Poland; they are over 100,000 years old”

PAP (Poland)

“The oldest human remains discovered in Poland are over 100,000 years old.

They are hand bones of a Neanderthal child digested by a large bird.

The remains were found in Cave Ciemna (Malopolska).

Until now, the oldest human remains from Poland, also of a Neanderthal, were the three molars from Cave Stajnia in the Kraków-Czestochowa Upland.

Their age was estimated at approx. 52-42 thousand years.

‘The bones our team discovered in Cave Ciemna are the oldest human remains from the area of today`s Poland, they are about 115,000 years old’ – says Prof. Pawel Valde-Nowak from the Institute of Archeology of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.”

[Read The Full Story]

[Amazing discoveries being made in Poland these days, and this is just the latest. It seems that Poland had a climate that was conducive to human habitation over 100,000 years ago – right through the last Ice Age. Makes you wonder if the size of the ice sheets we are told existed back then may not be accurate. It’s well worth a visit to read the full story – Ed.]

“Bones of Neanderthal child eaten by giant bird unearthed in Poland”

PanARMENIANet (Armenia)

“Peru’s last Inca city reveals its secrets: ‘It’s genuinely a marvel’”

The Guardian (UK)

“For the Ancient Aleuts, the Bird Was the Word”

Hakai Magazine (Canada)

“Exploding heads & boiling blood: Vesuvius eruption deaths far grislier than previously believed”

RT News (Russia)

“Skeleton of a prehistoric hunter printed in 3D”

PAP (Poland)

“Was Council of Nicaea Church Just Found Under a Lake?”

Daily Beast (USA)

“Western Australia’s changing coastline over 125,000 years revealed with new mapping”

ABC News (Australia)

“Two tourists released after being accused of damaging artifacts”

Riviera Maya News (Mexico)

“This major discovery upends long-held theories about the Maya civilisation”

Borneo Bulletin (Borneo)

“Did Archaeologists Just Discover Evidence of Ancient Drug Trade?”

Daily Beast (USA)

“Various experts should be involved in excavations of ‘Armenian Stonehenge’, astronomer says”

Panorama AM (Armenia)

“More than 200 tombs unearthed in Yunnan” (China)

“Archaeologists in southwest China’s Yunnan Province have unearthed a cluster of 209 tombs believed to be from between the late Neolithic and early Bronze age.

The tombs were discovered during the latest excavation of 100,000 square meters of ruins in Jiangbian Village in Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, according to the provincial archaeology institute.

Wan Yang, a researcher with the institute, said that most of the tombs were earth pits with well-preserved human skeletons lying flat on their back.”

[Read The Full Story]

[Another great discovery in China! From discoveries made in recent years it seems that China has a really great prehistory, and this new find adds to our current knowledge of that. There was obviously a lot more going on in that region than we have previously been led to believe. It’s well worth a visit to read the full story – Ed.]

“Researchers reveal ancient thyroid disease using science and art [Report]”

Infosurhoy (USA)

“Giza Pyramid mystery chamber may hold Pharaoh’s ‘meteorite throne'”

RT (Russia)

“A Gallery of Hidden Prehistoric Rock Art Points to Lost Indian Civilization”

Ancient Origins (Australia)

“Unlooted Ancient Tomb Found in Mycenae”

Greek Reporter (Greece)

“The eukaryotic ancestor shapes up”

Nature (UK)

“More Dig Finds in Giza Bring Light on Ancient Times in Egypt”

Al-Bawaba (Jordan)

“Modern archaeology ‘much more than excavations’”

Cyprus Mail (Cyprus)

“CT Technique Massively Expands Imaging Soft Tissue of Ancient Remains”

Ancient Origins (Australia)

“Czech archaeologists unearth Egyptian ‘custodian of royal affairs'”

Radio Prague (Czech Republic)

“In Brazil were found 6000-year-old skulls with teeth”

The Stopru (Canada)

“Cuisine of early farmers revealed by analysis of proteins in pottery from Çatalhöyük”

PhysOrg (USA)

“An international team led by researchers from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, the Freie Universität Berlin and the University of York has uncovered details about the diet of early farmers in the central Anatolian settlement of Çatalhöyük.

By analyzing proteins from residues in ancient pots and jars excavated from the site, the researchers found evidence of foods that were eaten there.

Although previous studies have looked at pot residues from the site, this was the first to use proteins, which can be used to identify plants and animals more specifically.

Using this new approach, the team determined that vessels from this early farming site in central Anatolia, in what is now Turkey, contained cereals, legumes, dairy products and meat. In some cases, the researchers could narrow down food items to specific species.

Çatalhöyük was a large settlement inhabited from about 7100 BC to 5600 BC by early farmers, and is located in what is now central Turkey.”

[Read The Full Story]

[Well done The Max Planck Institute and University of York for this innovative approach! And well done PhysOrg for bringing the story to us!

The sophistication with which ancient Anatolian peoples built structures such as those at Çatalhöyük, is complimented by these new discoveries about how they subsisted. The change from hunter-gatherers to farmers was massive in its implications for how humans developed from there on, but no-one sems to be able to answer the unasked question – Why did they make this profound change?

It really is well worth a visit to read the full story and see the images of the finds, and diagrams showing the datasets arising from their investigations – Ed.]

“Carved in stone: recording Scotland’s prehistoric rock art”

Current Archaeology (UK)

“Figures of Çavdar Turks found in Zeus Temple”

Hürriyet Daily News (Turkey)

“History Rediscovered: Ancient Ganga-Era Artefact Found Near Begur Lake In Bengaluru”

Swarajya (India)

“Sarcophagus of ancient architect unearthed in Egypt’s Giza”

XinhuaNet (China)

“Iron Age chariot discovered in East Yorkshire town”

The Yorkshire Post (England)

“Scientists have found drawings of an unknown ancient civilization”

The Siver Telegram (USA)

“Dream museum to be opened in ancient city of Troy”

Daily Sabah (Turkey)

“New panel of rock paintings found in Dindigul district”

The Hindu (India)

“Possible Evidence of World’s Oldest Fishing Nets Unearthed in Korea”

Hakai Magazine (Canada)

“In northeastern South Korea, archaeologists from the Yonsei University Museum unearthed what they claim are Paleolithic net sinkers-the earliest-known examples of the fishing technology, which, if confirmed, would push back the first-known use of fishing nets by roughly 19,000 years.

The 14 stone sinkers were discovered in the Maedun Cave along the coast of the East Sea by a team led by Han Chang-gyun, the director of the Yonsei museum, who has been excavating Paleolithic sites in the region since 1985. (The Paleolithic period was approximately 2.5 million to 12,000 years ago.)

He says ancient fishers from about 29,000 years ago would have used the sinkers-rounded rocks with a central groove-to hold ropes or nets underwater to trap fish.

Using nets would have allowed ancient fishers to catch more fish than would have been possible using earlier fishing technologies, such as carved bone fishing hooks or stone-tipped spears.

Based on preliminary radiocarbon dating of the soil in which they were found, the weights-as well as additional stone tools and fish bones found alongside them-fit soundly in the Paleolithic, 19,000 years earlier than all other stone sinkers previously discovered.”

[Read The Full Story]

[This is a really important discovery brought to us in a great story story from Hakai Magazine!

That ancient peoples had mastered the art of fishing in many forms 30,000 years and more ago isn’t surprising, and it’s good that timelines are being pushed back yet again and challenging the mainstream archaeological paradigms. Ancient peoples worldwide were far more inteligent and capable of problem-solving they have consistently been denied credit for.

It really is well worth a visit to read the full story and see the image of the finds – Ed.]

“Wrong date given for prehistoric Ban Chiang”

The Nation (Thailand)

“Ancient cemetery unearthed in Albania”

CNBCTV 18 News (India)

“A year of unprecedented archaeological findings in Saudi Arabia”

Arab News (Saudi Arabia)

“Stunning aerial shots of India’s prehistoric art”

BBC News (UK)

“Egypt unearths 2 ancient sandstone paintings in Aswan”

XinhuaNet (China)

“Deep dive into ancient history, off Xlendi”

Times of Malta (Malta)

“Laser-mapping upends theories about Mayans”


“Centuries-old terracotta artefacts found on Pamba banks”

OnManorama (India)

“The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project”

Cardiff/Athens Universites (Cymru/Greece)

[In October 1900, Captain Dimitrious Kondos was leading a team of sponge divers near the the island of Antikythera off the coast of Greece. They noticed a shipwreck about 180 feet below the surface and began to investigate. Amongst the artifacts that they brought up was a coral-encrusted piece of metal that later archaeologists found was some sort of gear wheel.

The rest of the artifacts, along with the shape of the boat, suggested a date around 2000 years ago, which made the find one of the most anomalous that had ever been recovered from the Greek seas. It became known as The Antikythera Mechanism.

In 2006 the journal “Nature” published a letter, and another paper about the mechanism was published in 2008, detailing the findings of Prof. Mike G. Edmunds of Cardiff University. Using high-resolution X-ray tomography to study the fragments of the anomalous Antikythera Mechanism, they found that it was in fact a bronze mechanical analog computer that could be used to calculate the astronomical positions and various cycles of the Moon – as seen from the Earth: – Ed]

Part of the Antikythera Mechanism

an image of Part of the Antikythera Mechanism, which is also a clickable link directly to the Lichfield Blog story

Antikythera Mechanism Research Project

2000-year-old analog computer recreated

More Antikythera Mechanism Information & Commentary:

“Human Skeleton Found on Famed Antikythera Shipwreck”

Scientific American (USA)

“Scientists decipher purpose of mysterious astronomy tool made by ancient Greeks”

CBC News (Canada)

“Beyond the Antikythera mechanism”

Nature Blogs (UK)

“Archimedes’ legendary sphere brought to life”

Nature News (UK)

“Discovery about the Antikythera Mechanism reveals surprising advances in early Greek science”

University of Puget Sound (USA)

“World’s oldest computer is more ancient than first thought… “

The Daily Mail Online (UK)

“New international mission ready to explore Antikythera shipwreck”

eKathimerini (Greece)

“Return to Antikythera: Divers revisit wreck where ancient computer found”

The Guardian Science Blog (UK)

“In search of lost time”

Nature (UK)

“World’s First Computer Displayed Olympic Calendar”

Wired Gadget Lab (USA)

“Antikythera Mechanism – World’s earliest existing analogue computer”

HotnHit News (India)

“In search of lost time”

Nature (UK)

“Imaging the Antikythera Computer”

Wired Gadget Lab (USA)

“Decoding an Ancient Computer: Greek Technology Tracked the Heavens”

Scientific American (USA)

“2,000 Year Old Computer Yields Her Secrets”

Wired Gadget Lab (USA)

“Watch a video explaining the Antikythera mechanism”

Nature (UK)

“Antikythera mechanism”

Wikipedia (USA)

“World’s First Computer Rebuilt, Rebooted After 2,000 Years”

Wired Gadget Lab (USA)

“Antikythera: A 2,000-year-old Greek computer comes back to life”

The Guardian Science Blog (UK)

Google image search results for The Antikythera mechanism

Google (USA)


“Atlantis Pyramids Floods”


Dennis Brooks

an image/link direct to this product at

“Researchers have many questions regarding both the Great Flood and Atlantis: Which areas were flooded? Where did the flood waters come from? What caused the flooding? How was Atlantis destroyed? Where was Atlantis located?

The short answers: Noah’s Flood was caused by tsunami waves that covered all the costal areas around the Atlantic Ocean.

They also flooded the Mediterranean Basin temporarily raising sea level above 600 feet.

The tsunamis were created by comet fragments that landed in the ocean and within the Americas.

Some estimations claim that over 500,000 comet fragments hit the Americas. The craters are called Carolina Bays.

These craters are concentrated along the Atlantic seaboard within the coastal states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Florida, and as far away as Nebraska.

Atlantis was part of Plato’s boundless continent, North America. Plato: ‘. . .and the surrounding land may be most truly called a boundless continent.”

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“Origins of the Sphinx:

Celestial Guardian of Pre-Pharaonic Civilization”


Dr Robert M. Schoch


Robert Bauval

an image/link direct to this product at

“In this provocative collaboration from two Egyptology outsiders, Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D., and Robert Bauval combine their decades of research to show how the Sphinx is thousands of years older than the conventional Egyptological timeline and was built by a long forgotten pre-Pharaonic civilization.

They examine the known history of the Sphinx, contrasting what Egyptologists claim with prominent historical accounts and new research, including updates to Schoch’s geological water weathering research and reanalysis of seismic studies.

Building on Bauval’s Orion Correlation Theory, they investigate the archaeoastronomical alignments of the monuments of the Giza Plateau and reveal how the pyramids and Sphinx were built to align with the constellations of Orion and Leo.

Analyzing the evidence for a significantly older construction phase at Giza and the restoration and recarving of the Sphinx during the Old Kingdom era, they assert that the Sphinx was first built by an advanced pre-Pharaonic civilization that existed circa 12,000 years ago on the Giza Plateau, contemporaneous with the sophisticated Göbekli Tepe complex.”

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