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Below is a selection of books that will give you a background in understanding
the ancient cultures of Central and South America. Aztec, Inca, Maya,
Zapotec, Olmec and Toltec cultures flourished at various stages over the
past two millennia, and evidence is continually emerging of cultures long
before them in the same areas. As with ancient cultures around the world,
the later cultures often colonised the sacred centres of those before
them, and this is just as true of Central and South America.
the enigmatic lines and drawings on the Nazca Plain, Peru, to the magnificent
pyramids of the Maya, the history of civilisation in South and Central
America goes back many millennia, and new structures and even cities are
being discovered regularly as satellite imaging is used increasigly by
arch?ologists to penetrate the jungles.
visitors to Maya sites should read
“Understanding Maya Inscriptions a heiroglyph handbook
click on the book covers to order those titles directly from,
or click on the UK edition
link above each book cover to order directly from
Some titles may not be available in both US and UK editions.
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