books about ‘living without electricity’ and ‘surviving power outages’ – Northwestern Europe and North America – page two –

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books about ‘living without electricity’

and ‘surviving power outages’ in

Northwestern Europe and North America

page two

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Many people who live in cities dream of ‘getting back to the land‘, growing their own fruits and vegtables, getting ‘off the grid’ by generating their own energy, and simply becoming as ‘self-sufficient’ as possible. But these dreams often don’t include the harsh realities of running an ideal ‘smallholding’, equally as simply because they have no real experience of living close to the land. There is a great deal of ‘daily’ hard work involved, and it’s not just the cat or the dog that needs to be looked after if you simply want to go on holiday – and you’re raising livestock

In fact there’s nothing simple about it at all, and to do it successfully means total commitment. Techniques for successfully becoming ‘self-sufficient’ vary from climate zone to climate zone, and what works well in one place may be entirely the wrong thing to do in another. But it wasn’t all that long ago that everyone lived in conditions that many are yearning to get back to, and luckily there are many books written over the past 50 to 150 years that are still available for would-be smallholders

The information in these old books will, without doubt, contain the ‘wisdom of the ancients’, as agricultural and animal husbandry knowledge is something that has, out of necessity for survival, been passed down throughout the generations since the first peoples who gave up the nomadic roaming of countless millennia began experiments with settled life

Below are a small selection of books about basic ‘self-sufficiency’

that contain practical, down-to-earth, information and advice from the daily lives of small farmer’s, kitchen gardners, and smallholders that has not changed much in the past 50,000 years or more. These skills are tried-and-tested techniques that are still in everyday use by peoples who live closer to the land in many non-industrialised countries. For those seeking security in a world over-dependent on imported produce, the choice is one of hard work and self-sufficient peace of mind – or the uncertainties of ‘just-in-time’-supplied supermarkets totally dependent on a global transport network and a centralised power generation grid that is becoming increasingly vulnerable to a myriad threats

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“How to Live Without Electricity & Like It”


Anita Evangelista

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EU English Edition

“Someday you will find yourself without electricty. Either you will be deprived of it, say, from a power outage, or you will be somewhere where elecricity is not. You need to know how to deal with it.This book is a positive step in making these lacks as painless as possible. Anita Evangelista tells us “how to” based on her own experience, having lived on a farm without elecricity for a number of years. You can either guide your destiny or you can be a victim of sociey or circumstance. Make the right choices. Buy a copy of this book. If you know someone living in the country, where power outages are a way of life, buy them a copy, too, right away. I recommend this book. I have used it.”


“Eating Off the Grid: storing and cooking foods without electricity”


Denise Hansen MS, RD, Brenda Brooks, MS, RD

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EU English Edition


“A user-friendly cookbook for making meals from scratch using basic foods that require no refrigeration or freezing. Beginning chapters offer advice on non-electric cooking and cooling alternatives, as well as complete ingredient and utensil lists that cover all recipes. Separate chapters for stovetop and baked main dishes and breads accomodate different cooking appliances. Recipe nutrition information and exchanges are included for diabetics and others with special dietary needs. A sample four-week meal plan and accompanying grocery list for a family of four, along with guidelines to help you create your own meal plan, help you combine the recipes to begin ‘eating off the grid’.”


“Alternative Energy: An Introduction to Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources”


Mark E. Hazen, Michael Hauben

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EU English Edition


“Alternative Energy will introduce you to the concepts and terminology dealing with energy and the various alternative sources of energy that can meet our ever-increasing needs. This book will introduce you to energy sources that draw from such supplies as wind, sun, water stored in reservoirs, ocean tides, ocean currents, ocean heat storage, and more. You will discover the advantages and disadvantages of each as well as how to harness them. In addition, listings of World Wide Web sites are included so that you can learn more about alternative forms of energy and the organizations devoted to them. Alternative Energy contains comprehensive information of the following: Solar Energy Harnessing the Wind Hydropower Geothermal Energy Nuclear Energy Energy Storage And More.”


“Charging Ahead: The Business of Renewable Energy and What It Means for America”


John J. Berger, Lester C. Thurow

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EU English Edition


“A very interesting book.If you are interested in solar,wind,biomass and other clean energy sources then this is the book for you.This book takes you from past to present with insights on the people who are making this field happen.It also tells you about their business strategies and practices.It also gives detailed information about where this particular technology is headed with respects to the dropping manufacturing costs and a host of other things.If you choose only one book on this subject,MAKE SURE IT IS THIS ONE!enjoy”


“Renewable Energy: Sources for Fuels and Electricity”


Thomsa B. Johansson, et al

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EU English Edition

“Written and edited by the world’s leading experts, Renewable Energy is the most comprehensive reference work on alternative energy ever published. Overall performance, cost, market potential, and environmental impact are assessed for fuels and electricity derived from hydroelectric, wind, photovoltaics, solar-thermal, geothermal, ocean, and biomass energy sources. In addition, practical and specific recommendations for promoting the adoption of renewables on a broad scale and presented and analyzed.”


“Power from Wind: A History of Windmill Technology”


Richard Leslie Hills

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EU English Edition


“Since the inception of windpower around 1000 AD, technology has been deployed to obtain the most economical power from wind. The author traces its technical evolution, concentrating on the growth in understanding of wind and charting crucial developments in windmill design. The history of the windmill focuses on North Western Europe, but Hills indicates the origins of the first horizontal windmills in Persia, Tibet and China. He also examines industrial applications such as in textiles, papermaking and mining. The book concludes with a look at the recent reemergence of windpower as a viable source of power in the wake of the energy crisis.”


“How to Make Primitive Pottery”


Evard H. Gibby

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EU English Edition

“The author tells you everything you need to know to make attractive, functional earthenware in this fine book. More than sixty photographs show each step described as well as many finished items. These, plus descriptions of ancient pottery types from the Anasazi to Guatemala, provide a great number of ideas for primitive pottery projects. There is a glossary of terms and a list of references. Evard starts by describing what clay is used and how to find it. He then describes preparing the clay for use, discusses reasons and techniques for adding temper and illustrates how to make pots using all techniques. Finishing and decorating the green pot are described and illustrated, followed by a detailed discussion of primitive firing techniques. Evard then tells how to cook a meal outdoors in a pot you have made yourself. A great book for anyone into primitive arts or survival skills.”


“Survival Retreat: A Total Plan For Retreat Defense”


Ragnar Benson

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EU English Edition

“If you’ve ever thought about this topic, but weren’t sure how to get started, Ragnar will give you plenty to think about. Does not contain much how to explanation, but excellent source to begin the thinking/planning process. Example: Discusses need to build a shelter to handle chemical/biological threat, but does not give any advise on what type of ventilation, door, etc. The main thing this book will help you do is develop a basic retreat defense premises, and ensure you do not become a refugee. If you already have a security mindset, but don’t have any experience or application with survival training, this book is an excellent starting point. You’ll need a lot more detailed information than this book provides,but the check list and Bibliography are invaluable.”


“Ragnar’s Urban Survival: A Hard-times Guide to Staying Alive in the City”


Ragnar Benson

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US edition

“This reprint of the 1909 classic should be on the shelf of every serious homesteader. Farming is hard work, and this book will teach you how to save both time and money to get the job done. In this little gem you’ll learn how to make your own tools for your workshop, how to build things for around the house, for the barns, and for your livestock, in addition to other devices for your garden and orchard, including a section that discusses fence-making and gate-making. Several pages are devoted to building a farmhouse (including the

floor plan for my wife’s “dream house”), barns, and other outbuildings.”


“Crisis Preparedness Handbook: A Complete Guide to Home Storage and Physical Survival”


Jack A. Spigarelli

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US edition only

available worldwide

“This enlightening book offers options to the traditional methods of preserving fruits and vegetables from the garden by freezing or canning. In a foreword written by Eliot Coleman, the well-known gardener notes how the use of more natural methods serves to enhance the flavors as well as the nutritional values of foods. Contained here are 250 recipes that feature eight different ways to preserve fresh produce. In various instances, spoilage is prevented by using salt, sugar, oil, vinegar, wine, or alcohol. Some recipes preserve foods for weeks, while others keep foods good for many months. Should the millennium bug be a problem, look to this manual for information on how to preserve food by storing it in the ground or a root cellar, by air drying, by preserving with the condiments mentioned above, and by other techniques that deserve wider recognition.”

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