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page two of the high resolution images from the Morien Institute interview with – Dr Paul Weinzweig – Advanced Digital Communications Havana, Cuba
A March 30 2002 report by Reuters told that Cuban geologist, Dr Manuel Iturralde, who presented a paper at a geophysical conference in Havana, Cuba, said that examinations of rock samples due to be collected in a few months should shed further light on the ‘peculiar structures’ discovered by (ADC), the Canadian company based in Havana, Cuba, which discovered the megalithic formations in the Yucatan Channel in July 2000 “These are extremely peculiar structures … They have captured all our imaginations … If I had to explain this geologically, I would have a hard time …”
a crew member taking samples whilst fixing the ROV on the deck of the ‘Ulises’ research vessel
ADC – Havana, Cuba –
Ocean Engineer, Paulina Zeltisky, and other ADC crew members, examining some of the samples gathered by the ROV during one of it’s expeditions in July 2001. The research ship ‘Ulises’ is equipped with sophisticated computers to help the ROV operators direct it to the most likely places to video the ruins …
“To drill samples from these structures is not easy because they look like granite. And to drill granite at a depth of 600 metres is very difficult … ”
ADC – Havana, Cuba –
“We are discovering the influence of currents on global climate, volcanoes, the history of formation of Caribbean islands, numerous historic wrecks and even possibly a sunken city built in the pre-classic populated by an advanced civilization similar to the early Teotihuacan culture of Yucatan.” Paulina Zelitsky, Whitley Streiber’s Unknown Country”, May 19 2001
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