– Terrestrial Archaeology, Marine Archaeology & Astro-Archaeology – News Headlines Archive – August 2011 – new archaeological discoveries on land and underwater – with emphasis on the ancient sciences reflected in astro-archaeology and archaeoastronomy from new discoveries revealing its practice in ancient societies under ancient skies

The Morien Institute - The events of July 16th to 22nd 1994, when the remnants of a fragmenting comet, P/Shoemaker-Levy 9, bombarded the surface of Jupiter causing fireballs many times the size of our own planet, were an abrupt wake-up call even for those who were monitoring them. The historical sciences generally, and archæology in particular, have collectively painted a picture of the past as if our planet stands alone in empty space. Nothing could be further from reality. Our resilient planet exists in a solar system that has experienced a very dynamic history over the past 20 to 30 millennia, and it is only from this wider solar system perspective, taking into consideration our planet's own local environment, that the true history of human civilisation will ever be fully understood. The Morien Institute archive therefore contains relevant material from many disciplines.

an image of a meteor flashing through the sky

Image of a revolving globe showing current sea levels since the last ice age, before which many ancient societies such as Atlantis flourished all over planet Earth on what are now sunken lands.

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The events of July 16th – 22nd 1994, when the remnants of a fragmenting comet, P/Shoemaker-Levy 9, bombarded the
surface of Jupiter causing fireballs many times the size of our own planet, were an abrupt wake-up call even for those
who were aware of them. The historical sciences generally, and archæology in particular, have collectively painted
a picture of the past as if our planet ‘stands alone in empty space’. Nothing could be further from reality. Our
resilient planet exists in a solar system that has had a very dynamic history over the past 20,000 years or so
and it is only from this wider solar system perspective that the true history of human civilisation can ever
be fully understood. Therefore, The Morien Institute archive contains information from many disciplines

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all links are active at the time of posting

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Top August 2011 New Discoveries

“Ancient Roman Ship Discovered off Albanian Coast”


“Ancient Saharan head cases”


“Archaeologists excavating Arastu Tepe for signs of Kura-Aras culture”


“Bulgarian Archeologists Discover New Thracian Sanctuary”


“Human precursors went to sea, team says”


“Statue menhirs found in a Sardinian wall”


“Archaeologists make new discoveries on Algarve’s West Coast”


“Chamorros date back 4,000 years”


“Ancient DNA reveals secrets of human history”


“Israelis link ancient sword to fall of Herod’s temple”


“Taking the measure of a hobbit”


“Marco Polo ‘never went to China and picked up tales of the Orient from other travellers'”


“Iron Age people gave interiors of dwellings a decorative streak”


“The massive European network of Stone Age tunnels that weaves from Scotland to Turkey”


“Sofia Metro Digs Unveil Precious Roman Mosaic”


“‘Spanish Armada’ wreck discovered”


“Chinese stone tools introduced to Japan 20,000 years ago”


“Achaemenid palace found in Iran”


“Rome’s Pantheon may have been built as a massive sundial researchers reveal”


“Polar bears traced to one brown bear”


“How a human invasion wiped out Neanderthal man”


“The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project”



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News Headlines Digest
Period Ending Wednesday August 31 2011

“Archaeologists find old musical instrument”

The Voice of Russia (Russia)

“St Andrews’ 12th century tolbooth unearthed”

Fife Today (Scotland)

“Excavations on Bulgaria’s St Ivan island a success – report”

The Sofia Echo (Bulgaria)

“Obsidian artifacts point to Ice-Age mariners in prehistoric Greece”

Past Horizons (UK)

“Saudi Arabia has found traces of a civilisation that was domesticating horses about 9,000 years ago, 4,000 years earlier than previously thought, the kingdom said.

‘This discovery shows that horses were domesticated in the Arabian Peninsula for the first time more than 9,000 years ago, whereas previous studies estimated the domestication of horses in Central Asia dating back 5,000 years’, Ali al-Ghabban, vice-chairman of the department of museums and antiquities, said at a news conference late Wednesday.

The remains of the civilisation were found close to Abha, in southwestern Asir province, an area known to antiquity as Arabia Felix. The civilisation, given the name al-Maqari, used ‘methods of embalming that are totally different to known processes’, Mr Ghabban said.

Among the remains found at the site are statues of animals such as goats, dogs, hawks, and a metre-tall bust of a horse, Mr Ghabban said.”

[Full Story]

“Vanished Buddhist site rediscovered in Pakistan”

Hindustan Times (India)

“Ancient Egyptians used hair gel and curling tongs”

The Daily Mirror (UK)

“Archeologists find new monument, theatre masks in ancient Myra”

Today’s Zaman (Turkey)

“Didn’t catch that cold going around? You just may be part Neanderthal, study suggests”

Popular Archaeology (USA)

“King Arthur’s legendary round table may have been found in Scotland”

ZME Science (UK)

“Tons of silver and gold coins recovered from shipwreck”

TruthDive (India)

“Over 200 1,000-year-old coins unearthed in Inner Mongolia”

XinhuaNet (China)

“Egyptian Mummies Were Fashion Icons of Their Time, Claim Researchers”

News Tonight (United Arab Emirates)

“Bronze reliquary with saint’s hair unearthed in ancient Thracian city of Perperikon”

Focus News Agency (Bulgaria)

“Neanderthal skull fragment discovered in Nice”

The Riviera Times (France)

“First century B.C. Roman shipwreck that carried wine jars found”

BioScholar News (UK)

“UNESCO’s alert to protect Libyan monuments”

Ahram Online (Egypt)

“Human ancestors crossed open water”

Columbia Daily Tribune (USA)

“An ancient people rode Arabia sands”

The Asian Age (India)

“Saudi Arabia has found traces of a civilisation that was domesticating horses about 9,000 years ago, 4,000 years earlier than previously thought, the kingdom said.

‘This discovery shows that horses were domesticated in the Arabian Peninsula for the first time more than 9,000 years ago, whereas previous studies estimated the domestication of horses in Central Asia dating back 5,000 years’, Ali al-Ghabban, vice-chairman of the department of museums and antiquities, said at a news conference late Wednesday.

The remains of the civilisation were found close to Abha, in southwestern Asir province, an area known to antiquity as Arabia Felix. The civilisation, given the name al-Maqari, used ‘methods of embalming that are totally different to known processes’, Mr Ghabban said.

Among the remains found at the site are statues of animals such as goats, dogs, hawks, and a metre-tall bust of a horse, Mr Ghabban said.”

[Full Story]

“Dominican Republic Cultural Artifacts are Returned After Being Illegally Imported into U.S.”

Hispanically Speaking News (Dominican Republic)

“Important finds in latest dig at ancient Idalion”

Cyprus Mail (Cyprus)

“Libya rebels claim Roman city of Sabratha from regime”

The Guardian (UK)

“More stolen antiquities found in Iraq’s Mosul”

Azzaman (Iraq)

“Archaeologists dig into the secrets of the Picts at Fortingall”

The Courier (Scotland)

“‘Massive looting of ancient artefacts underway in Libya’”

The Hindu (India)

“Horse domestication pushed back to 9000 years ago”

HorseTalk (New Zealand)

“Unesco warning over Libya looting”

BBC News (UK)

“Fossil reveals secret of Plesiosaur reproduction”

ABC Radio – The Science Show (Australia)

“UI archaeologists dig up 7,000-year-old remains”

Iowa City Press-Citizen (USA)

“Oldest human settlement unearthed in Sri Lanka”

Daily News & Analysis (India)

“Archaeologists have unearthed a human dwelling in Haldummulla, Sri Lanka, which they believe is the oldest of its kind identified on the island so far.

Prof. Raj Somadeva of the post graduate institute of Archaeology in the Kelaniya University said that it was discovered in an archaeological excavation carried out near Koswatta village in Haldumulla.

The archaeological site is situated 850 meters above sea level where the foundations of four houses, fireplaces, coal, iron, rock tools, pieces of clay pots and beads have been found.”

[Full Story]

“Children found sacrificed in pre-Incan ritual”

3 News (New Zealand)

“Ancient Egyptians used ‘hair gel'”

Nature News (UK)

“New Finds Point to Roman Fashion Craze”

Spiegel Online (Germany)

“Treasure found in farmer’s field near Canterbury”

Kent Online (England)

“Fossils found of giant malleefowl and diprotodon”

ABC Radio – The Science Show (Australia)

“The 1802 wreck of the Mentor and the Parthenon Marbles”

The Malta Independent (Malta)

“Excavations in Kenya Shedding Light on Early Human Toolmaking and Habitat”

Popular Archaeology (USA)

“Egypt Antiquities gets new chief”

Ahram Online (Egypt)

“Excavations at Tlos reveal Roman works”

Hürriyet Daily News (Turkey)

“New excavation work in the ancient city of Tlos in Mug(la’s Fethiye district has unearthed several ancient sculptures of Roman emperors.

The archaeological team found sculptures of Roman emperors Hadrian; Antonius Pius and his daughter Faistinaminor; Mareus Aurellus as well as the Goddess Issis, according to Taner Korkut, who is leading the dig.

The excavation, which is being conducted with a 40-person team and 36 workers, has unearthed traces of sculptures and archaeological artifacts dating back 10,500 years.”

[Full Story]

“3,000-year-old bog body is likely to be sacrificed Irish king”

Irish Central (Ireland)

“Black Death study lets rats off the hook”

The Guardian (UK)

“Ancient Roman Ship Discovered off Albanian Coast”

Balkan Insight (Albania)

“Hercules Statue From Roman Era Unearthed In Israel”

Huffington Post (USA)

“Engraved stelae found in Egypt, urban settlement unearthed”

The Palestine Telegraph (Palestinian Territories)

“Prehistoric burial cist excavated on Dartmoor”

Stone Pages Archaeo News (Italy)

“Ancient Saharan head cases”

Science News (USA)

“Archaeologists excavating Arastu Tepe for signs of Kura-Aras culture”

Tehran Times (Iran)

“A team of Archaeologists is currently working on the Arastu Tepe in order to find signs of the Kura-Aras culture in the mound located near the town of Malard in the southwest of Tehran.

Signs of the Kura-Aras culture were previously discovered during a series of initial excavations done by the team led by Akbar Purfaraj of Tehran’s Allameh Tabatabai University.

They gathered a large number of shards scattered on the ground of the mound in the excavations, Tehran Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Department Director told the Persian service of the Mehr News Agency on Tuesday.”

[Full Story]

“Iron Age road link to Iceni tribe”

BBC News (UK)

“Bulgarian Archeologists Discover New Thracian Sanctuary”

Novinite (Bulgaria)

“Human precursors went to sea, team says”

Boston Herald (USA)

“Underground chamber unearthed in Irish garden”

Stone Pages Archaeo News (Italy)

“Statue menhirs found in a Sardinian wall”

Past Horizons (UK)

“How the world’s biggest mouth evolved”

ABC Science News (Australia)

“Bulgarian Archaeologist Discovers Unknown Christian Archbishopric at Perperikon”

Novinite (Bulgaria)

“‘Unique’ stone house found at Gunwalloe on the Lizard”

BBC News (UK)

“Engraved stelae found near Ismailia, urban settlement unearthed”

Ahram Online (Egypt)

“Bulgaria subway expansion digs up Roman city”

AFP (France)

News Headlines Digest
Period Ending Monday August 15 2011

“Editorial: At a standstill in Luxor”

The Egyptian Gazette (Egypt)

“The evolution of copulation in the natural world”

ABC Radio – The Science Show (Australia)

“Archaeologists make new discoveries on Algarve’s West Coast”

The Portugal News Online (Portugal)

“Chamorros date back 4,000 years”

Guampdn (Guam)

“Denizli strikes gold with archaeological discoveries”

Today’s Zaman (Turkey)

“Ancient DNA reveals secrets of human history”

Nature News (UK)

“Excavations in Artsakh Shed Light on Ancient City of Dikranagerd”

The Armenian Weekly (Armenia)

“Israelis link ancient sword to fall of Herod’s temple”

AFP (France)

“Marco Polo’s exploration may have pulled up short”

The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)

“A team of archaeologists believe the famed figure picked up his travel stories second-hand from Persian merchants.

His journeys across mountain ranges and deserts opened the eyes of mediaeval Europe to the exotic wonders of China and the Silk Road, establishing him as one of history’s greatest explorers.

But a team of archaeologists believe Marco Polo never even reached the Middle Kingdom, much less introduced pasta to Italy after bringing it back from his travels, as legend has it.

Instead they think it more likely that the Venetian merchant adventurer picked up second-hand stories of China, Japan and the Mongol Empire from Persian merchants he met on the shores of the Black Sea, thousands of kilometres short of the Orient.

He then cobbled them together with other scraps of information for what became a best-selling account, A Description of the World, one of the first travel books.”

[Full Story]

“Taking the measure of a hobbit”

Science News (USA)

“Salme Yields Evidence of Oldest Sailing Ship in Baltic Sea”

Estonian Public Broadcasting (Estonia)

“Dino footprints threatened by gas plans”

ABC News in Science (Australia)

“Marco Polo ‘never went to China and picked up tales of the Orient from other travellers'”

The Daily Mail Online (UK)

“Roman ruins found in Naqoura – South Lebanon”

Saida Online (Lebanon)

“Iron Age people gave interiors of dwellings a decorative streak”

The Local (Germany)

“Remains of Ancient Palace Discovered”

Live Science (USA)

“Anthropologist believes he has found B.C. village that may be 10,000 years old”

The Globe & Mail (Canada)

“The massive European network of Stone Age tunnels that weaves from Scotland to Turkey”

Daily Mail (UK)

“Stone Age man created a massive network of underground tunnels criss-crossing Europe from Scotland to Turkey, a new book on the ancient superhighways has claimed.

German archaeologist Dr Heinrich Kusch said evidence of the tunnels has been found under hundreds of Neolithic settlements all over the continent.

In his book – Secrets Of The Underground Door To An Ancient World – he claims the fact that so many have survived after 12,000 years shows that the original tunnel network must have been enormous.”

[Full Story]

“Artifacts breathe new life into the destruction of the Temple”

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Israel)

“Deciphering ancient papyri”

Past Horizons (UK)

“Committee to fund Zoser pyramid renovation”

The Daily Star (Lebanon)

“Sofia Metro Digs Unveil Precious Roman Mosaic”

Novinite (Bulgaria)

“Thank climate change for the rise of humans”

New Scientist (UK)

“SOME claim climate change will destroy our species; now it seems it also helped forge it. The rapid fluctuations in temperature that characterised the global climate between 2 and 3 million years ago coincided with a golden age in human evolution.

The fossil record shows that eight distinct species emerged from one hominin species, Australopithecus africanus, alive 2.7 million years ago.

The first members of our genus appeared between 2.4 and 2.5 million years ago, while Homo erectus, the first hominin to leave Africa, had evolved by 1.8 million years ago.”

[Full Story]

“Two new monuments uncovered at Karnak Temple”

The Palestine Telegraph (Egypt)

“Find of ancient coins in Devon could prove Romans controlled more of UK than first thought”

The Daily Mail Online (UK)

“‘Spanish Armada’ wreck discovered”

Irish Times (Ireland)

“Makkah historic sites abused due to ignorance, misconceptions”

The Saudi Gazette (Saudi Arabia)

“Ancient Egypt was destroyed by drought, discover Scottish experts”

The Scotsman (Scotland)

“Spain Arrests 12 for Looting Archaeological Sites”

Latin American Herald Tribune (Venezuela)

“Is this Captain Henry Morgan’s ship hull?”

BBC News Video (UK)

“Chinese stone tools introduced to Japan 20,000 years ago: experts”

XinhuaNet (China)

“Early Human Ancestors were at Home on the African Savanna”

Popular Archaeology (USA)

“A team of research scientists have concluded that early humans, or hominins, were creatures primarily of the African savanna, and for much longer than many have previously thought.

The study, involving a new method of measuring and analyzing chemical isotopes in comparative samples of modern and fossil-bearing (paleosol) soils, allowed a team of scientists to determine the canopy density or tree cover in East African prehistoric environments going back more than 7 million years, the time when human ancestors and their ape cousins were evolving.

The result: Wherever the fossils of early human (hominin) and related ape species were discovered, there was strong evidence that the prehistoric environments in which they lived consisted predominantly of open habitats much like the savannas we see today — wide-open grasslands spotted with trees.”

[Full Story]

“Achaemenid palace found in Iran”

Press TV (Iran)

“Rome’s Pantheon may have been built as a massive sundial researchers reveal”

The Daily Telegraph (UK)

“US museum to return 19 treasures from King Tutankhamun’s tomb to Egypt”

The National (United Arab Emirates)

“Polar bears traced to one brown bear”

Charlotte Observer (USA)

“Ancient oracles offered guidance and allayed fears”

eKathimerini (Greece)

“Discovery is hailed as the first clear evidence of Pleistocene rock-art in Wales”

Past Horizons (UK)

“Palace Museum admits damage to ancient plate”

China Daily (China)

“Monuments dating back 14th century found in Azerbaijan’s Fuzuli region”

APA (Azerbaijan)

“How a human invasion wiped out Neanderthal man”

Channel 4 News (UK)

“The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project”

Cardiff/Athens Universites (Cymru/Greece)

[In October 1900, Captain Dimitrious Kondos was leading a team of sponge divers near the the island of Antikythera off the coast of Greece. They noticed a shipwreck about 180 feet below the surface and began to investigate. Amongst the artifacts that they brought up was a coral-encrusted piece of metal that later archaeologists found was some sort of gear wheel.

The rest of the artifacts, along with the shape of the boat, suggested a date around 2000 years ago, which made the find one of the most anomalous that had ever been recovered from the Greek seas. It became known as The Antikythera Mechanism.

In 2006 the journal “Nature” published a letter, and another paper about the mechanism was published in 2008, detailing the findings of Prof. Mike G. Edmunds of Cardiff University. Using high-resolution X-ray tomography to study the fragments of the anomalous Antikythera Mechanism, they found that it was in fact a bronze mechanical analog computer that could be used to calculate the astronomical positions and various cycles of the Moon – as seen from the Earth: – Ed]

More news stories and websites about The Antikythera mechanism

“Decoding an Ancient Computer: Greek Technology Tracked the Heavens”

Scientific American (USA)

“Antikythera Mechanism – World’s earliest existing analogue computer”

HotnHit News (India)

“Watch a video explaining the Antikythera mechanism”

Nature (UK)

“World’s First Computer Rebuilt, Rebooted After 2,000 Years”

Wired Gadget Lab (USA)

“Antikythera: A 2,000-year-old Greek computer comes back to life”

The Guardian Science Blog (UK)


Japan’s Mysterious Underwater Pyramids:

Only Available On DVD

Do undersea relics near Okinawa offer proof of a sophisticated civilization during the last ice age?

“Decoding the Heavens:
Solving the Mystery of the World’s First Computer”


Jo Marchant

William Heinemann Ltd

an image/link direct to this product at amazon.com

Get This Book From:

“For more than a century this ‘Antikythera mechanism’ puzzled academics, but now, more than 2000 years after the device was lost at sea, scientists have pieced together its intricate workings.”

“Ancient Greek Computer from Rhodes: Known as the Antikythera Mechanism”


V. J. Kean

an image/link direct to this product at amazon.com

Get This Book From:

“This is the true history of an astonishing machine during the time when the island of Rhodes was the centre of both cultural and intellectual activity within the Roman Empire.

Made on the island of Rhodes around 71BC, the computer was lost beneath the waves for almost 2000 years.”

“Gears from the Greeks: The Antikythera Mechanism, a Calendar Computer from Ca 80 B.C.”


Derek de Solla Price

an image/link direct to this product at amazon.com

Get This Book From:

“The first great discovery in underwater archaeology yielded not only a fine collection of art treasures but also the most enigmatic, most complicated piece of scientific machinery known from antiquity.”

“Nihongi: Chronicles of Japan from the Earliest Times to A.D.697”

W.G. Aston

Get This Book From:

“Sacred Texts and Buried Treasure:
Issues on the Historical Archaeology of
Ancient Japan”

William Wayne Farris

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“Shintao: The Sacred Art of Ancient Japan”

Victor Harris

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“Ancient Jomon of Japan”

Junko Habu

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“Prehistoric Japan:
New Perspectives on Insular East Asia”

Keiji Imamura

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“Jomon of Japan: The World’s Oldest Pottery”

Douglas Moore Kenrick

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“In the Wake of Jomon: Stone Age Mariners and a Voyage Across
the Pacific”

Jon Turk

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“Eden in the East: The Drowned Continent of Southeast Asia”


Stephen Oppenheimer

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“Underworld: Flooded
Kingdoms of the
Ice Age”

Graham Hancock

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Japan’s Mysterious Underwater Pyramids:

Only Available On DVD

Do undersea relics near Okinawa offer proof of a sophisticated civilization during the last ice age?


Visit Our Ancient Mysteries DVD Store

Make All Online Science Journals Free

August 2011
Monthly Magazine Articles

“India’s Underground Water Temples”

Archaeology Magazine (USA)

“Late-Holocene climate evolution at the WAIS Divide site, West Antarctica… “

Journal of Glaciology (USA)

“Clues about the earliest Americans emerge from the Yucatán’s watery underworld”

Archaeology Magazine (USA)

“Change and variability in Plio-Pleistocene climates: Modelling the hominin response”

Journal of Archaeological Science (UK)

“The Origins of American Medicine”

Archaeology Magazine (USA)


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