Terrestrial Archaeology, Marine Archaeology & Astro-Archaeology News Headlines Archive July 2013

The Morien Institute - The events of July 16th to 22nd 1994, when the remnants of a fragmenting comet, P/Shoemaker-Levy 9, bombarded the surface of Jupiter causing fireballs many times the size of our own planet, were an abrupt wake-up call even for those who were aware of them. The historical sciences generally, and archæology in particular, have collectively painted a picture of the past as if our planet stands alone in empty space. Nothing could be further from reality. Our resilient planet exists in a solar system that has experienced a very dynamic history over the past 20 to 30 millennia, and it is only from this wider solar system perspective that the true history of human civilisation will ever be fully understood. The Morien Institute archive therefore contains relevant material from many disciplines.

an image of a meteor flashing through the sky

Image of a revolving globe showing current sea levels since the last ice age, before which many ancient societies like Atlantis flourished all over planet Earth on what are now sunken lands.

text translation service for many worldwide languages


As we enter the 21st century technological advances are coming to the aid of scientists of all descriptions. But it will likely be the Marine Archæologists, whose discoveries on the continental shelves that were once the coastal plains of the archaic world that will most significantly change our picture of the past. We cannot go on thinking of the past from the scant knowledge available to us from excavations of the remains of ancient peoples discovered solely on the dry land we now live on.

This dry land comprises just 29% of the total surface area of our planet and the remaining 71% is currently ocean. Over the last 15 years The Morien Institute has been carefully documenting as much information about new discoveries underwater as we can find, and The Morien Institute Marine Archæology Archive gives just a glimpse of the many recent discoveries showing evidence of sometimes vast coastal settlements that were inundated by the seas in ancient times.

During the last Ice Age the sea-levels were more than 300 feet lower than they are today, and a wide band either side of the equator enjoyed a pleasant enough climate for human civilisation to have flourished in many parts of the world. When the sea levels rose as the ice sheets melted many coastal settlements disappeared under the waves – forgotten except in the oral traditions of peoples in every land. These oral traditions represent an invaluable archive of knowledge from the archaic world, but they are almost always dismissed by academic archæologists and prehistorians who have traditionally regarded them simply as ‘quaint myths’ which they claimed have no bearing on reality.

But that is a very foolish perspective. What remains of the oral traditions of the many ancient societies that once developed on our planet must be preserved at all costs so that future peoples can study the wisdom of ancient peoples with an open mind that was sadly absent from 20th century academic thinking. These oral traditions are now acknowledged as being the invaluable “Indigenous Knowledge” of ancient peoples, and represent a collective understanding of the natural world that had developed through careful observation over countless millennia. Despite the scepticism expressed in some academic disciplines, we cannot afford to let this ancient knowledge die out simply because the supposed “experts” of today cannot understand it.

Neither can we continue to look at the prehistory of human societies and civilisations as if our planet somehow stands alone in empty space. Nothing could be further from reality. Our immediate solar system environment is more of a cosmic shooting gallery’ than a vast expanse of emptiness, and a great body of evidence is building which shows that the environmental impact of encounters with comets, asteroids and cometary debris has been responsible for the destruction of numerous ancient civilisations on many occasions in the archaic world over the past 10 to 20 millennia.

Throughout the last few hundred years, and quite probably before that, individual researchers ranging from the eccentric ‘Gentleman Antiquarians’ of the 17 & 1800s to the so-called ‘dissident professors’ of the 20th century have pursued lines of enquiry which has horrified general academia. Those individuals were ridiculed and vociferously opposed by academic archæologists and prehistorians who had often invested a lifetime’s work in what the more honest amongst them might reluctantly admit in private company to have been a totally inaccurate view of human prehistory.

Theories that many megalithic sites began life as some form of observatories acting as ‘early-warning systems’ for imminent impacts of cosmic debris from the break up of a giant comet have been emerging over the last 30 years or so. Evidence supporting these theories is helping not only to date some of these monuments, but also illustrates how well their builders were oriented in time and space. A new appreciation that our ancestors were acutely aware that the Earth orbited the Sun, and that it periodically encountered streams of cometary debris, suggests that ancient peoples understood the dynamics of the solar system to a far greater degree than has previously been acknowledged.

Dr. Duncan Steel, then of Spaceguard Australia, presented a paper to the Society for Inter-Disciplinary Studies conference at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, in July of 1997, in which he gave details of his research suggesting that the earlier ‘henge circle’ which preceded the stone circles at Stonehenge could have been deliberately constructed to function as a ‘cosmic impact early warning system’. His paper, “Before the Stones: Stonehenge I as a Cometary Catastrophe Predictor” is must reading for all serious students of ancient astronomy, astro-archæology and prehistory.

The Cambridge Conference focussed primarily on the effects of natural catastrophes resulting from the impacts of cometary debris. These impacts were presented as being the likely causes of the sudden collapse and in many cases the total destruction of various Bronze Age civilisations, giving rise to radical cultural changes, and to a number of new religions with accompanying astro-mythologies that had hitherto been impossible for academia to understand.

The simultaneous collapse of these civilizations has long puzzled archæologists and prehistorians as the vast areas affected ran right across the ‘fertile crescent’ destroying the most advanced societies of the time, ranging in distance from Greece and Anatolia through to Mesopotamia and Afghanistan and continuing eastwards to encompass India and Central Asia.

The cause of this most perplexing ‘Bronze Age Event’ around 2350 – 2300 BC has only recently become clear as a wide variety of assorted ‘ologists from various disciplines have begun reviewing the mythologies of the time. What they have found throughout numerous inter-disciplinary studies are the accurate observations of ancient skywatchers describing cosmic bombardment and flooding which in every case, and in every region, came directly from the ancient skies.

These natural cosmic catastrophes were recorded by all ancient societies and passed down through many generations to become the oral traditions that are held sacred by the peoples whose ancestors directly experienced them, but which are often dismissed as being ‘quaint myths that have no bearing on reality’ by so-called scholars who have never even tried to understand them. Bombardment of our planet by cosmic debris is, like all things in the natural world, a cyclical phenomenon. It has happened many times in the past, and if we dismiss the records kept by ancient peoples simply because they were recorded in a language that our modern scientists cannot understand, then we will not be prepared when it happens again.

The sophistication and unprecedented accuracy of the astronomical phenomena that was an integral part of almost all of the megalithic structures that have been discovered on most continents suggests a long period of development, yet academic archæologists and prehistorians have been at a loss to expain them. Most have simply ignored the astronomy, or made idiotic statements about ancient peoples not being capable of that level of understanding, but there they are for all the world to see.

In October 1900, Captain Dimitrious Kondos was leading a team of sponge divers near the island of Antikythera off the coast of Greece. They noticed a shipwreck about 180 feet below the surface and began to investigate. Amongst the artifacts that they brought up was a coral-encrusted piece of metal that later archæologists found was some sort of gear wheel. The rest of the artifacts, along with the shape of the boat, suggested a date around 2000 years ago, which made the find one of the most anomalous that had ever been recovered from the Greek seas. It became known as “The Antikythera Mechanism”.

In 2006 the journal “Nature” published a letter, and a full paper about the mechanism was published in 2008, detailing the findings of Prof. Mike G. Edmunds of Cardiff University. Using high-resolution computed tomography to study the fragments of the anomalous Antikythera Mechanism, they found that it was in fact a bronze mechanical analog computer that could be used to calculate the astronomical positions and various cycles of the Moon – as seen from the Earth.

This incredible discovery is indisputable evidence that ancient peoples were far more capable of understanding the cyclical nature of heavenly bodies than they had previously been given credit for, and
“The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project”
showed they could also construct devices which could predict them. There was much discussion about its supposed anomalous nature, but it is only anomalous if viewed in isolation or in the context of a completely inaccurate view of prehistory. In the context of the astronomical knowledge embedded into megalithic structures a long period of development becomes evident, and is deserving of radical review in light of the discovery of The Antikythera Mechanism.

Over the past 15 years The Morien Institute has archived new archæological discoveries as well as new interpretations of old archæological discoveries. In our news pages we list many items that may not seem directly related to a better understanding of what our ancestors saw and experienced in ancient skies. But astromythology and its interpretation, and constant review of our poor appreciation of the scientific achievements of our ancestors remains the common theme that we feel ties most of them together. It is only an open-minded approach to prehistory, and a willingness to accept what is found rather then attempting to make new discoveries fit into some pre-conceived paradigm, that will help us gain a better understanding of our ancient past than is currently taught in our schools, colleges and universities.

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Top July 2013 New Discoveries

“6,000-year-old decorative wood carving unearthed on Welsh mountainside”


“Oldest Alphabetical Written Text Found near Temple Mount”


“Archaeologists find remains of sacrificed woman in Peruvian ruins”


“Found after 10,000 years: the world’s first calendar”


“DNA used to identify ancient plagues”


“Excavations Uncover Earliest Middle Paleolithic Stone Tools in India”


“Chime bells unearthed in Yejiashan graveyard”


“Pre-Inca mausoleum found with 64 mummies in Peru”


“Remains of 1300 BC village‚ pre-Ashokan shrines in Lumbini”


“Ancient Anchors from Punic Wars Found Off Sicily”


“No single origin for agriculture in the Fertile Crescent”


“Inside Cambodia’s stunning new temple discoveries”


“White man’s skull has Australians scratching heads”


“5,000-year-old pyramid destroyed in Lima”


“The first towns in the central Sahara”


“Miniature Pyramids of Sudan: Archaeologists excavating on the banks of the Nile have uncovered a necropolis”


“Dozens of mummies found in pre-Inca royal tomb in Peru”


“The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project”



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News Headlines Digest
July 2013

“Stone Tools in India Have Implications for Early Dispersal of Modern Humans Out of Africa”

Popular Archaeology (USA)

“Polish archaeologists and restorers returned from Marina el-Alamein”

Nauka w Polsce (Poland)

“Traces of ‘lost village’ found in Nottinghamshire”

BBC News (UK)

“2 6,000-year-old ‘halls of the dead’ unearthed, in UK first”

EurekAlert (USA)

“Edirne Palace restorations reveal Ottoman era culture”

Hürriyet Daily News (Turkey)

“Artifact Trove on Deepest Shipwreck Explored off U.S.”

National Geographic Daily News (USA)

“Archaeologists Continue Searching for ‘First Humans’ in Europe at Atapuerca Site in Spain”

Hispanically Speaking News (Spain)

“Western Australia’s archaeology beneath the waves”

Past Horizons (UK)

“Find helps scientists map waves of migration across the continents”

PhysOrg (USA)

“The discovery of an “early modern human” dating from 40,000 years ago in a cave outside Beijing, and a comparison of the individual’s DNA with that of populations around the globe, are providing new pieces in the puzzle of how Homo sapiens left their African origins to expand across the continents.

DNA extracted from the Tianyuan Cave dweller indicated he was genetically related to today’s Amerindians, said Fu Qiaomei, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP), Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, one of the scientists who led the study at Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.

This Tianyuan fisher-gatherer is one of the earliest H. sapiens ever uncovered in China, she said in an interview.

Fu was part of an international team that sequenced DNA from the anatomically modern human, created a genetic profile, and matched it against profiles of people now living in Africa, Europe and Asia.

‘The Tianyuan individual’, Fu and colleagues wrote in a scientific journal, ‘derived from a population that was ancestral to many present-day Asians and Native Americans.'”

[Full Story]

“Archaeological finds reveal prehistoric civilization along Silk Road”

Global Times (China)

“Oldest European fort in the inland US discovered in Appalachians”

EurekAlert (USA)

“Remains of Duck-Billed Dinosaur Found in Coahuila, Mexico, Lived 72 Million Years Ago”

Hispanically Speaking News (Mexico)

“Evidence of Pre-Pottery Neolithic in Saudi Arabia”

Past Horizons (UK)

“Church in Stebark – possible burial place of the knights of Grunwald”

Nauka w Polsce (Poland)

“Cradle of Humankind Brings Early Human Fossils Closer to Home”

Popular Archaeology (USA)

“Thracian temple, sanctuary of Zeus and Hera found in Bulgaria’s Sredna Gora”

The Sofia Globe (Bulgaria)

“Viking Jewelry Unearthed in Denmark”

Live Science (USA)

“Several pieces of Viking jewelry, some of which contain gold, have been uncovered at a farm site in Denmark that dates as far back as 1,300 years.

Although the Vikings have a popular reputation as being raiders, they were also farmers, traders and explorers, and the craftsmanship seen in this jewelry demonstrates their artistic skills.

Archaeologists working with volunteers used metal detectors to find the jewelry in different spots throughout a farmstead on Zealand, the largest island in Denmark. The remains of the site, which is now called Vestervang, date from the late seventh to the early 11th centuries.

Finding such lavish goods at such a modest farm site poses a puzzle, the archaeologists said.

The reason why the farm site would hold such treasure may lie in a legendary site located nearby .”

[Full Story]

[See Photos of the Sparkling Viking Jewelry]

“Remains of 1300 BC village‚ pre-Ashokan shrines in Lumbini”

The Himalayan Times (Nepal)

“Manure used by Europe’s first farmers 8,000 years ago”

PhysOrg (USA)

“Fourth pillar revealed at Sagalassos old city”

Hürriyet Daily News (Turkey)

“Late Palaeolithic burial found in southeast France”

Past Horizons (UK)

“Painted bronze excavated from central China tombs”

XinhuaNet (China)

“Hellenic mosaic discovered in massive Italian find”

ANSA (Italy)

“Excavations Uncover Earliest Middle Paleolithic Stone Tools in India”

Popular Archaeology (USA)

“5,000-year-old writing discovered in Zhejiang”

CCTV News (China)

“Ice Age Figurine’s Head Found: Archaeologists Put New and Old Finds Together … “

Science Daily (USA)

“Archaeologist Mike Morwood, who discovered pre-human ‘hobbit’ species, dies”

ABC News (Australia)

“Colleagues of influential rock art researcher
Mike Morwood have described his death as a sad day for the archaeological community.

The University of Wollongong archaeologist was best known for his discovery of an ancient, dwarf-like species of pre-humans, known as “hobbit”, on the Indonesian island of Flores.

Professor Morwood had more recently been working with traditional owners analysing rock art on the Mitchell Plateau in Western Australia.

He died this week after a battle with cancer. He was 62.”

[Full Story]

“Have Mankind’s ‘Greatest Pyramids’ Been Pinpointed?”

Newser (USA)

“Plaque reveals ancient human diets”

Radio National – The Science Show (Australia)

“New study claims paintings show prehistoric man was ‘high’ on psychedelic plants”

Daily Mail Online (UK)

“1,450-yr-old monument revealing Mayan Dark Period history found in El Peru-Waka, Guatemala”

Headlines & Global News (USA)

“Excavations uncover 3,000-year-old palace, believed to be that of King David”

Ha’aretz (Israel)

“Fossilized Elephant Tusk Found on Seafloor”

Discovery News (USA)

“What Actually Made Cavemen Paint Similar Patterns and Figures?”

TopNews (New Zealand)

“6,000-year-old decorative wood carving unearthed on Welsh mountainside”

Wales Online (Cymru)

“Archaeologists have unearthed what is believed to be one of Europe’s oldest decorative wood carvings – dating back more than 6,000 – on a Valleys hillside.

The decorative carving was exposed by workmen during the construction of Maerdy Wind Farm in the Rhondda Valley.

The timber – with intricate pattern on one side and oval motif at one end – is thought to be a marker post for a tribal boundary, hunting ground or sacred site

Richard Scott Jones, an archaeologist from Heritage Recording Services Wales, said the piece of wood was “priceless” and would be unveiled to the public at the National History Museum in St Fagans next year.

He said the wood is likely to date back 6,270 years to the Late Mesolithic/Early Neolithic period.”

[Full Story]

“Archaeologists digging up Roman artefacts near Yeovil”

This is Somerset (England)

“SC DOT investigating possible 8,000-year-old archaeological site near Lake City, Highway 378”

Daily Journal (USA)

“Roadworkers uncover fossil treasure trove”

ABC Science News (Australia)

“Oldest Alphabetical Written Text Found near Temple Mount”

The Jewish Press (Israel)

“‘World’s oldest calendar’ discovered in Scottish field”

BBC News (UK)

“Archaeologists find remains of sacrificed woman in Peruvian ruins”

Peru This Week (Peru)

“Historic Discovery in Israel Sheds Light on Ancient Biblical Lands”

Christian News Network (USA)

“Thirteen new archaeological sites found in Rupununi -GINA”

Stabroek News (Guyana)

“Birmingham university team find ‘world’s oldest calendar’ in a field “

Birmingham Mail (England)

“Large Pt anomaly in the Greenland ice core points to a cataclysm at the onset of Younger Dryas”


“Archaeologists reject Ibrahim’s reappointment as antiquities minister”

Ahram Online (Egypt)

“Found after 10,000 years: the world’s first calendar”

The Independent (UK)

“DNA used to identify ancient plagues”

Radio National – The Science Show (Australia)

“The DNA from medieval skeletons allows the identification of ancient plagues such as the pathogen responsible for the Black Death.

This has come about following major breakthroughs in DNA technology. One is next generation sequencing where billions of DNA molecules can be created in just a few days.

Another is the ability to separate a required DNA from mixtures of DNA from many biological sources, as happens in ancient burials.

Johannes Krauser describes his application of these techniques to the remains of those killed by the Black Death in Europe in the middle of the fourteenth century, and now to the bodies of a mass burial from Roman times, where a plague wiped out much of the population.”

[Full Story]

“Painted bronze excavated from central China tombs”

XinhuaNet (China)

“Roman mosaics discovered in Amasya”

Hürriyet Daily News (Turkey)

“Excavations Uncover Earliest Middle Paleolithic Stone Tools in India”

Popular Archaeology (USA)

“Cuba Cataloging Its Pre-Columbian Archaeological Sites, Over 3,000 Identified”

Latino Daily News (Cuba)

“Mexico unveils stone-age etchings”

BBC News (UK)

“Vampire graveyard found in Poland?”

The News Poland (Poland)

“Visit 50,000 Year Old Underwater Primeval Forest Found in Gulf of Mexico (VIDEO)”

Hispanically Speaking News (Mexico)

“Experts row over ‘earliest’ Chinese inscriptions find at the Zhuangqiaofen archaeological site”

Art Daily (USA)

“Chime bells unearthed in Yejiashan graveyard”

People’s Daily (China)

“Unearthed: Pre-Ashoka structures in Lumbini”

E-Kantipur (Nepal)

“Prehistoric Emma site raises questions of migration patterns”

Aspen Daily News (USA)

“Fossilised tracks 105 million years old”

Radio National – The Science Show (Australia)

“Primeval Underwater Forest Discovered in Gulf of Mexico”

Live Science (USA)

“Helping rebuild LTTE by fictional archaeology”

Ceylon Daily News (Sri Lanka)

“Medieval site discovered near Wellington”

BBC News (UK)

“Pre-Inca mausoleum found with 64 mummies in Peru”

Reflejos (Peru)

“A team of Polish and Peruvian archaeologists had to lift more than 30 tons of crushed stone to find a mausoleum in a town on the northern coast of Peru containing 63 pre-Inca mummies belonging to the Wari Culture, along with an impressive set of 1,200 ornamental pieces of gold, silver and ceramic.

The discovery of the funerary mausoleum, whose age is estimated at 1,200 years, revealed the presence of the Wari Culture – originally from the mountains of southeastern Peru – the coast of the Ancash region, hinterland of the Moche culture in northern Lima, which was unknown.

The Moche culture developed between 200 and 800 AD while the Wari did between 500 and 900 AD in the region of Ayacucho.”

[Full Story]

“Inscriptions found in Shanghai pre-date ‘oldest Chinese language by 1,400 years'”

The Guardian (UK)

“Remains of 1300 BC village‚ pre-Ashokan shrines in Lumbini”

The Himalayan Times (Nepal)

“Ancient Mosaic Depicting Samson Uncovered in a Galilee Synagogue”

The Jewish Press (Israel)

“Massacre dating back 2,300 years in the Crimea”

Past Horizons (UK)

“Mexican Archaeologist to Map Ancient Mayan City of Chactun”

Hispanically Speaking News (Mexico)

“Image of ‘Geordie’ god found at Binchester Roman fort”

The Durham Journal (England)

“A damaged Roman sculpture discovered”

Hürriyet Daily News (Turkey)

“Archaeologists Excavate Jerusalem Cave and Tunnel Network”

Popular Archaeology (USA)

“Hobbit’s face revealed”

Radio National – The Science Show (Australia)

“Revealed: the hidden castle chamber where a Jacobite hid for three years after Culloden”

The Herald (Scotland)

“Ancient Anchors from Punic Wars Found Off Sicily”

Discovery News (USA)

“Archaeological Symposium Studies Mayan Social Identity”

7 News Belize (Belize)

“Israeli archaeologists uncover base of 6th Roman Legion in Galilee”

Ha’aretz (Israel)

“Ancient Zominthos Brought to Light”

Greek Reporter (Greece)

“No single origin for agriculture in the Fertile Crescent”

EurekAlert (USA)

“A rich assemblage of fossils and artifacts in the foothills of the Zagros Mountains in Iran has revealed that the early inhabitants of the region began cultivating cereal grains for agriculture between 12,000 and 9,800 years ago.

The discovery implies that the transition from foraging to farming took place at roughly the same time across the entire Fertile Crescent, not in a single core area of the “cradle of civilization,” as previously thought.

Until recently, political pressures had limited excavations of archaeological sites in the eastern Fertile Crescent, or modern-day Iran, while findings to the west-at sites in Cyprus, Syria, Turkey and Iraq, for example-provided detailed clues to the origins of agriculture.

Now, Simone Riehl from the University of Tübingen in Germany, along with colleagues from the Tübingen Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Paleoecology, have analyzed plant remains at the aceramic (pre-pottery) Neolithic site of Chogha Golan in Iran, and their results show that people were growing and grinding cereal grains like wheat and barley at the same time as their counterparts to the west.”

[Full Story]

“Inside Cambodia’s stunning new temple discoveries”


“Timbuktu manuscripts damaged”

Hürriyet Daily News (Turkey)

“Human bones found under Parliament building date back to 430 AD”

Antigua Observer (Antigua)

“Traces of 2,000-year-old wartime famine unearthed in Jerusalem”

Fox News (USA)

“Hathor Temple at Mit Rahina was not set on fire”

Ahram Online (Egypt)

“Medieval tower and paintings discovered by Polish archaeologists in Sudan”

Nauka w Polsce (Poland)

“White man’s skull has Australians scratching heads”

PhysOrg (USA)

“Richard III site to be dug up again”

Leicester Mercury (England)

“HCMC seizes ivory artifacts trafficked from France”

Tuoi Tre News (Viet Nam)

“How X-Rays Demystified a 2,500-Year-Old Battle Wound”

Live Science (USA)

“5,000-year-old pyramid destroyed in Lima”

Peru This Week (Peru)

“An ancient archaeological structure has been ruined by private construction companies.

Archaeologists blame two building companies for destroying part of ancient pyramid in the Lima district of San Martin de Porres.

The pyramid El Paraiso, located near the river Chillon, is one of the oldest structures constructed in the Americas, made up of 12 pyramids and covering over 64 hectares.

Despite its obvious importance to Peruvian culture, this pyramid was knocked down and later burned by several clandestine groups that entered the site on Saturday.”

[Full Story]

“Dozens of mummies found in pre-Inca royal tomb in Peru”

The China Post (Taiwan)

“Roman shrine found at Rutland Water nature reserve”

BBC News (UK)

“Red House bones date back to 430 AD”

Trinidad & Tobago Guardian (Trinidad & Tobago)

“Mysterious Pair Buried With Flowers—Oldest Example Yet”

National Geographic Daily News (USA)

“Deccan College seeks heritage tag for Naneghat”

The Times of India (India)

“Sunken ships seen in ancient city of Tieion”

Hürriyet Daily News (Turkey)

“Altamira cave paintings were undertaken over a time period of at least 20,000 years”

Basque Research (Euskadi)

“Shards of ancient jars found in Laguna town”

The Inquirer (Philippines)

“Egyptian iron beads likely fell from the sky”

The Columbus Dispatch (USA)

“The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project”

Cardiff/Athens Universites (Cymru/Greece)

[In October 1900, Captain Dimitrious Kondos was leading a team of sponge divers near the the island of Antikythera off the coast of Greece. They noticed a shipwreck about 180 feet below the surface and began to investigate. Amongst the artifacts that they brought up was a coral-encrusted piece of metal that later archaeologists found was some sort of gear wheel.

The rest of the artifacts, along with the shape of the boat, suggested a date around 2000 years ago, which made the find one of the most anomalous that had ever been recovered from the Greek seas. It became known as The Antikythera Mechanism.

In 2006 the journal “Nature” published a letter, and another paper about the mechanism was published in 2008, detailing the findings of Prof. Mike G. Edmunds of Cardiff University. Using high-resolution X-ray tomography to study the fragments of the anomalous Antikythera Mechanism, they found that it was in fact a bronze mechanical analog computer that could be used to calculate the astronomical positions and various cycles of the Moon – as seen from the Earth: – Ed]

Part of the Antikythera Mechanism

an image of Part of the Antikythera Mechanism, which is also a clickable link directly to the Lichfield Blog story

Copyright © 2006
Antikythera Mechanism Research Project

2000-year-old analog computer recreated

More Antikythera Mechanism Information & Commentary:

“Return to Antikythera: Divers revisit wreck where ancient computer found”

The Guardian Science Blog (UK)

“In search of lost time”

Nature (UK)

“World’s First Computer Displayed Olympic Calendar”

Wired Gadget Lab (USA)

“Antikythera Mechanism – World’s earliest existing analogue computer”

HotnHit News (India)

“In search of lost time”

Nature (UK)

“Imaging the Antikythera Computer”

Wired Gadget Lab (USA)

“Decoding an Ancient Computer: Greek Technology Tracked the Heavens”

Scientific American (USA)

“2,000 Year Old Computer Yields Her Secrets”

Wired Gadget Lab (USA)

“Watch a video explaining the Antikythera mechanism”

Nature (UK)

“Antikythera mechanism”

Wikipedia (USA)

“World’s First Computer Rebuilt, Rebooted After 2,000 Years”

Wired Gadget Lab (USA)

“Antikythera: A 2,000-year-old Greek computer comes back to life”

The Guardian Science Blog (UK)

Google image search results for The Antikythera mechanism

Google (USA)


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July 2013
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“Unlooted Royal Tomb Found in Peru”

Smithsonian Magazine

“Butchering with small tools: the implications of the Evron Quarry assemblage for the behaviour of Homo erectus”


“Field Trip on Mars: Curiosity, the Mars rover, is the next best thing to being there”

National Geographic Magazine

“The First Vikings: Two remarkable ships may show that the Viking storm was brewing long before their assault on England …

Archaeology Magazine

“Tidal tail ejection as a signature of type 1a supernovae from white dwarf mergers”

The Astrophysical Journal

“Evidence for Hesperian glaciation along the Martian dichotomy boundary”


“Monumental ditched enclosures in southern Iberia (fourth–third millennia BC)”


“Miniature Pyramids of Sudan: Archaeologists excavating on the banks of the Nile have uncovered a necropolis… “

Archaeology Magazine

“Universal doomsday: analyzing our prospects for survival”

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

“The Case of the Missing Ancestor: DNA from a cave in Russia adds a mysterious new member to the human family”

National Geographic Magazine

“Testing the snowball Earth hypothesis for the Ediacaran”


“Sacred landscapes of the south-eastern USA: prehistoric rock and cave art in Tennessee”


“High-albedo c-complex asteroids in the outer main belt: the near-infrared spectra”

The Astronomical Journal

“From The Trenches: Seeds of Europe’s Family Tree”

Archaeology Magazine

“Rethinking Early Iron Age urbanisation in Central Europe: the Heuneburg site and its archaeological environment”


“Not all supercontinents are created equal: Gondwana-Rodinia case study”


“The influence of outer solar system architecture on the structure and evolution of the Oort cloud”

The Astronomical Journal

“The first towns in the central Sahara”


“World Roundup of Recent Archaeological Discoveries – July 2013”

Archaeology Magazine

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