Archaeology News Headlines March 2015

The Morien Institute - The events of July 16th to 22nd 1994, when the remnants of a fragmenting comet, P/Shoemaker-Levy 9, bombarded the surface of Jupiter causing fireballs many times the size of our own planet, were an abrupt wake-up call even for those who were aware of them. The historical sciences generally, and Archaeology in particular, have collectively painted a picture of the past as if our planet stands alone in empty space. Nothing could be further from reality. Our resilient planet exists in a solar system that has experienced a very dynamic history over the past 20 to 30 millennia, and it is only from this wider solar system perspective that the true history of human civilisation will ever be fully understood. The Morien Institute archive therefore contains relevant material from many disciplines.

an image of a meteor flashing through the sky

Image of a revolving globe showing current sea levels since the last ice age, before which many ancient societies like Atlantis flourished all over planet Earth on what are now sunken lands.

text translation service for many worldwide languages


Diving underwater ruins near island of Yonaguni, Okinawa Japan

Some state this structure is about 14000 years old, last Ice Age

possibly remains of Ancient civilization


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Top March 2015 New Discoveries

“The Controversial Origins of the Maine Penny, A Norse Coin found in a Native American site”


“Baghdad museum reopens 12 years after looting”


“The global implications of the early surviving rock art of greater Southeast Asia”


“Seismic Shift – Sanxingdui Bronze Age civilization”


“The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project”




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News Headlines Digest
March 2015


ISIS Militants Destroy Mosul Museum Artifacts and Burns Mosul Library

These people have to be stopped!


[There will be continued disruption to news updates over the next few weeks
as we migrate to new servers. We apologise for the inconvenience
and hope to get back to normal as soon as possible – Ed.]

“Ancient gold artefacts uncovered in north Wales”

ITV News (UK)

“Archaeologists discovered previously unknown fortified settlements in Mazury”

Nauka w Polsce (Poland)

“AncientBiotics – a medieval remedy for modern day superbugs?”

The University of Nottingham (England)

“Beer in the Bronze age: Evidence shows Egyptians brewed up a party in ancient Tel Aviv”

The Jerusalem Post (Israel)

“Geopolitics in Aztec-era Mesoamerica”

Popular Archaeology (USA)

“Ancient Odessos Thracians Worshiped Greek Goddess Aphrodite, Not Thracian Goddess Bendis”

Archaeology in Bulgaria (Bulgaria)

“Red Lady cave burial reveals Stone Age secrets”

New Scientist (UK)

“Archaeologists studied the remains of Biskupin-type fortified settlement in Germany”

Nauka w Polsce (Poland)

“Massive Underground City Found in Cappadocia Region of Turkey”

National Geographic News (USA)

“When the invaders came, Cappadocians knew where to hide: underground, in one of the 250 subterranean safe havens they had carved from pliable volcanic ash rock called tuff.

Now a housing construction project may have unearthed the biggest hiding place ever found in Cappadocia, a region of central Turkey famous for the otherworldly chimney houses, cave churches, and underground cities its residents carved for millennia.

Discovered beneath a Byzantine-era hilltop castle in Nevsehir, the provincial capital, the site dates back at least to early Byzantine times.

It is still largely unexplored, but initial studies suggest its size and features may rival those of Derinkuyu, the largest excavated underground city in Cappadocia, which could house 20,000 people.”

[Read The Full Story]

[Another great story with nice pics from the NatGeo team. Well worth reading the full story – Ed.]

“Mystery of Darwin’s strange South American mammals solved”

ABC Science News (Australia)

“Forgotten monuments of Northern Sweden”

Past Horizons (UK)

“Porcupine unearths 1,400 year old oil lamp at archaeological site in Emek Hefer”

The Jerusalem Post (Israel)

“Prehistoric site in Alberta centuries older than previously thought”

CTV News (Canada)

“The oldest known complaint letter”

ABC Science News (Australia)

“Mohenjo Daro: The ancient city that’s crumbling away”

BBC News (UK)

“Scientists Get Chance to Study Ancient Chinese Crossbow Found in Xi’an”

Yibada (China)

“Ancient text by Irish monk may have discovered Jesus Christ’s childhood home”

Irish Central (Ireland)

“Scientists reveal prehistoric animal lived some 2,000 years after ‘extinction'”

The Siberian Times (Russia)

“The poisonous garden plants once used as prehistoric weaponry”

The Telegraph (UK)

“Polish archaeologists working in Romania”

Nauka w Polsce (Poland)

“Luxor tombs found”

Al-Ahram Weekly (Egypt)

“Not Cro-Magnon, Volcanoes May Have Doomed Neanderthals”

Science 2.0 (USA)

“New study finds ancient humans butchered elephants with stone tools 500,000 years ago”

Ancient Origins (Australia)

“Archaeologists working at a site in Israel have found stone tools made hundreds of thousands of years ago alongside the remains of an ancient species of elephant and other game.

The researchers tested the stone tools scientifically and found residue of fat and bone on them. They speculate Homo erectus people used the tools to butcher elephants and other animals for eating.

The authors, in their article in the journal PLOS One, say the site is just one of many Paleolithic sites showing evidence that people in the distant past butchered and ate elephants and mammoths.

The site examined in this study was of Acheulian culture and dates between 300,000 and 500,000 years before the present.

Homo erectus was a pre-Homo sapiens species that is considered not to have been as advanced as modern humans, but recent studies have shown they were more advanced than initially believed.”

[Read The Full Story]

[Yet again we see timelines being extended. Well worth reading the full story – Ed.]

“Unearthing an Iron Age Sanctuary in the Mediterranean”

Popular Archaeology (USA)

“Valuable archaeological discovery near Sanok”

Nauka w Polsce (Poland)

“Gem Engraved with Goddess’ Image Found Near King Herod’s Mausoleum”

Live Science (USA)

“Archaeological research conducted in three sites occupied by the Mochicas”

Andina (Peru)

“Did Atlantis really exist on the Moroccan coast?”

Daily Times (Pakistan)

“Ancients Set Stage for Collapse of Teotihuacan”

Popular Archaeology (USA)

“Oldest shrine dedicated to goddess Cauvery ‘detected’”

News Hub (India)

“‘Huge Skeleton’ Discovered in Bulgaria’s Varna”

Novinite (Bulgaria)

“More ancient Calusa mounds added to preserve site”

Florida Weekly (USA)

“Prehistoric whale fossil offers clues to humanity’s birthplace”

Delhi Daily News (India)

“How does evolution explain animals losing vision?”

ABC Science News (Australia)

“Stonehenge may have been something like a Mecca on stilts, new book claims”

The Toronto Star (Canada)

“Palaeolithic art discovered in Cantabrian cave”

Past Horizons (UK)

“Bronze Mask of Greek God Pan Unearthed in Northern Israel”

The Algemeiner (Israel)

“Big toe’s big foot holds evolutionary key”

EurekAlert (USA)

“Paleolithic people’s tools found in western Turkey”

Hürriyet Daily News (Turkey)

“Archeological studies in the western province of Denizli’s Honaz district have unearthed tools from the Paleolithic age.

The tools were found in the same area where a 1.2 million-year-old skull fossil, called ‘Denizli man’, was found in 2002.

The head of the study, Ankara University academic Kadriye Ceylan said the skull was found in a travertine source and they had started further examinations at the site.

Ceylan said the goal was to determine the places where the man had lived and find archaeological proof.”

[Read The Full Story]

“Dinosaur eggs destroyed at major dig site”

The Local (Spain)

“Vast 3000BC underground city discovered in Nevsehir is the size of 65 football pitches”

IB Times (UK)

“Humans adapted to rainforest environment sooner than previously believed”

New Kerala (India)

“Honduran Archaeologists Doubt National Geographic Found White City”

Latin American Herald Tribune (Venezuela)

“The Islamic State’s Attack on the Past”

AINA (Assyria)

“A carpet of stone tools in the Sahara”

Past Horizons (UK)

“Illicit trade fuels jihadi vandals’ profit from artefacts”

The Australian (Australia)

“Neanderthal jewelry? Discovery sheds light on predecessors’ cognitive abilities”

The University of Kansas (USA)

“ARCE team is on fire. Second 18th Dynasty tomb to be discovered in a week”

Luxor Times (Egypt)

“ISIS ransacks ancient Assyrian city of Khorsabad”

Al-Arabiya (Iraq)

“Unique tooth reveals details of the Peking Man’s life”

University of Uppsala (Sweden)

“Garapan site may be about 1,000 years old”

Marianas Variety (Marianas Islands)

“Neanderthals modified eagle claws 130,000 years ago”

Popular Archaeology (USA)

“Statues destroyed by Islamic State in Mosul were copies”

The Irish Times (Ireland)

“Ancient Fossils Reveal Diversity in the Body Structure of Human Ancestors”

University of Missouri (USA)

“Polish archaeologists in the forgotten capital of ancient Egypt”

Nauka w Polsce (Poland)

“The second season of fieldwork of the Polish archaeological project in Gebelein in southern Egypt has begun. The place was a very important centre in the history of ancient Egypt, but researchers still know little about it.

During last year’s work, many monuments were discovered that allow scientists to fill blank spots in the history of the pharaohs. These include inscriptions, tombs of dignitaries and places of worship carved in the rocks.

A characteristic feature of the landscape in Gebelein are two limestone rocks that tower over the Nile and the surrounding desert.

‘At the dawn of the history of ancient Egypt this was an administrative centre, very well positioned strategically and in terms of natural resources.’

‘There are signs that we are studying the capital of one of the proto-states, of which the Egyptian state emerged at the turn of the fourth and third millennia BC’- told PAP the project leader, Wojciech Ejsmond from the University of Warsaw.”

[Read The Full Story]

[These Polish archaeologists are doing excellent and urgently needed work on this early period of Egyptian history. The whole Gebelein area is under threat from agricultural and urban development. Well worth reading the whole story – Ed.]

“Iraq calls for air power to protect antiquities”

The Japan Times (Japan)

“Alexander the Great-Era Treasure Found in Israeli Cave”

Discovery News (USA)

“Burial urns found in Ramanathapuram village”

News Hub (India)

“Scant Evidence that Early Prehistoric People were Warlike, Anthropologist claims”

Ancient Origins (Australia)

“Mysterious Jade Artifact May Have Been Offering to Ancient Gods”

Live Science (USA)

“Early Herders’ Grassy Route Through Africa”

Eurasia Review (Kenya)

“Rufford Abbey ‘photo tripod stone’ is Roman artefact”

BBC News (UK)

“Ancient shipwrecks discovered in Jeddah”

Arab News (Saudi Arabia)

“Stone Tool Older than Any Human Civilization in the U.S. Found in Oregon”

ChinaTopix (China)

“Saudi- Arab antiquities facing danger warns ATO”

MENAFN (Jordan)

“Roman artefacts found in Vellalore”

NYOOOZ News (India)

“Porn Filmed At Egypt’s Pyramids Sparks Outrage”

Egyptian Streets (Egypt)

“Evidence indicates Yucatan Peninsula hit by tsunami 1,500 years ago”

EurekAlert (USA)

“IS jihadists destroy Iraq’s ancient historic city of Hatra”

The Malay Mail (Malaysia)

“Archaeologists uncover royal Celtic burial site in small French town”

France24 (France)

“ISIS bulldozes ancient city of Nimrud in Iraq”

Ammon News / AFP (Jordan / France)

“The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group began bulldozing the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud in Iraq on Thursday, the government said, in the jihadists’ latest attack on the country’s historical heritage.

ISIS ‘assaulted the historic city of Nimrud and bulldozed it with heavy vehicles’, the tourism and antiquities ministry said on an official Facebook page.

An Iraqi antiquities official confirmed the news, saying the destruction began after noon prayers on Thursday and that trucks that may have been used to haul away artefacts had also been spotted at the site.

Nimrud, which was founded in the 13th century BC, lies on the Tigris around 30 kilometres (18 miles) southeast of Mosul, Iraq’s second city and the main hub of IS in the country.

The destruction at Nimrud, one of the jewels of the Assyrian era, came a week after the jihadist group released a video showing militants armed with sledgehammersand jackhammers smashing priceless ancient artefacts at the Mosul museum.”

[Read The Full Story]

[Information we have suggests that the bulldozing of Nimrud was done to cover up the sytematic theft of portable antiquities that were looted to be sold on the black market by the so-called Islamic State to raise funds for their organisation – Ed.]

“Should tourism be limited at ‘lost’ cities?”

The Daily Telegraph (UK)

“French Tomb Sheds Light on Iron Age European Trade”

Naharnet (Lebanon)

“When age matters”

EurekAlert (USA)

“Technicolor tomb discovery in Luxor”

ANSAmed (Italy)

“Illegal excavation, theft attempt of a 3,300-yr-old statue thwarted in Sohag’s Akhmim”

The Cairo Post (Egypt)

“Tarn Taran villagers refuse to hand over ancient idol to archaeology officials”

Hindustan Times (India)

“‘First human’ discovered in Ethiopia”

SBS News (Australia)

“Study Lends New Support to Theory that Early Humans were Scavengers”

Popular Archaeology (USA)

“Emirati archaeology students get in touch with their land”

The National (United Arab Emirates)

“Tomb of Amun gate’s guard uncovered in Luxor”

Ahram Online (Egypt)

“The Destruction of Cultural Heritage Should be a War Crime”
see the video above

The Wall Street Journal (USA)

“Lost City Discovered in the Honduran Rain Forest”

National Geographic News (USA)

“An expedition to Honduras has emerged from the jungle with dramatic news of the discovery of a mysterious culture’s lost city, never before explored.

The team was led to the remote, uninhabited region by long-standing rumors that it was the site of a storied ‘White City’, also referred to in legend as the ‘City of the Monkey God’.

Archaeologists surveyed and mapped extensive plazas, earthworks, mounds, and an earthen pyramid belonging to a culture that thrived a thousand years ago, and then vanished.

The team, which returned from the site last Wednesday, also discovered a remarkable cache of stone sculptures that had lain untouched since the city was abandoned.

In contrast to the nearby Maya, this vanished culture has been scarcely studied and it remains virtually unknown. Archaeologists don’t even have a name for it.

Christopher Fisher, a Mesoamerican archaeologist on the team from Colorado State University, said the pristine, unlooted condition of the site was ‘incredibly rare.'”

[Read The Full Story]

[This is yet another great exclusive story from National Geographic – but you wouldn’t expect anything less from them. There are some really great photos of the expedition and the unique discoveries that are a “MUST SEE”. You’ll be very disappointed if you don’t visit their website – Ed.]

“Aboriginal legends an untapped record of natural history written in the stars”

PhysOrg (USA)

“Herders spread Indo-European languages”

ABC Science News (Australia)

“Improbable archaeology: Stone tool found in Sitka landslide”

KTOO News (Alaska)

“Iraq says to track down antiquities after ISIS museum rampage”

Asharq Al-Awsat (Iraq)

“An Identity Crisis for the Amphipolis Tomb”

Greek Reporter (Greece)

“Jesus’ House? 1st-Century Structure May Be Where He Grew Up”

Live Science (USA)

“The Controversial Origins of the Maine Penny, A Norse Coin found in a Native American site”

Ancient Origins (Australia)

“More Evidence Suggests Humans From The Ice Age”


“Baghdad museum reopens 12 years after looting”

Al-Arabiya / AFP (Iraq)

“Sedimentary DNA from a submerged site reveals wheat in the British Isles 8000 years ago”

Science Magazine (USA)

“Dozens of scientists conserve Britain’s oldest brain from face-down skull in Iron Age pit”

Culture24 (UK)

“The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project”

Cardiff/Athens Universites (Cymru/Greece)

[In October 1900, Captain Dimitrious Kondos was leading a team of sponge divers near the the island of Antikythera off the coast of Greece. They noticed a shipwreck about 180 feet below the surface and began to investigate. Amongst the artifacts that they brought up was a coral-encrusted piece of metal that later archaeologists found was some sort of gear wheel.

The rest of the artifacts, along with the shape of the boat, suggested a date around 2000 years ago, which made the find one of the most anomalous that had ever been recovered from the Greek seas. It became known as The Antikythera Mechanism.

In 2006 the journal “Nature” published a letter, and another paper about the mechanism was published in 2008, detailing the findings of Prof. Mike G. Edmunds of Cardiff University. Using high-resolution X-ray tomography to study the fragments of the anomalous Antikythera Mechanism, they found that it was in fact a bronze mechanical analog computer that could be used to calculate the astronomical positions and various cycles of the Moon – as seen from the Earth: – Ed]

Part of the Antikythera Mechanism

an image of Part of the Antikythera Mechanism, which is also a clickable link directly to the Lichfield Blog story

Antikythera Mechanism Research Project

2000-year-old analog computer recreated

More Antikythera Mechanism Information & Commentary:

“Discovery about the Antikythera Mechanism reveals surprising advances in early Greek science”

University of Puget Sound (USA)

“World’s oldest computer is more ancient than first thought… “

The Daily Mail Online (UK)

“New international mission ready to explore Antikythera shipwreck”

eKathimerini (Greece)

“Return to Antikythera: Divers revisit wreck where ancient computer found”

The Guardian Science Blog (UK)

“In search of lost time”

Nature (UK)

“World’s First Computer Displayed Olympic Calendar”

Wired Gadget Lab (USA)

“Antikythera Mechanism – World’s earliest existing analogue computer”

HotnHit News (India)

“In search of lost time”

Nature (UK)

“Imaging the Antikythera Computer”

Wired Gadget Lab (USA)

“Decoding an Ancient Computer: Greek Technology Tracked the Heavens”

Scientific American (USA)

“2,000 Year Old Computer Yields Her Secrets”

Wired Gadget Lab (USA)

“Watch a video explaining the Antikythera mechanism”

Nature (UK)

“Antikythera mechanism”

Wikipedia (USA)

“World’s First Computer Rebuilt, Rebooted After 2,000 Years”

Wired Gadget Lab (USA)

“Antikythera: A 2,000-year-old Greek computer comes back to life”

The Guardian Science Blog (UK)

Google image search results for The Antikythera mechanism

Google (USA)


“The Newgrange Sirius Mystery”


E. A. James Swagger

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Solving the Neolithic Universe”


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As Above, So Below”


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“The Ancient Paths:

Discovering the Lost Map

of Celtic Europe”


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“The Nebra Sky Disc:

cycles in the cosmos”


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“Egyptian Dawn:

Exposing the Real Truth Behind Ancient Egypt”


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Architect of the Cosmos”


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“Before the Pyramids:

Cracking Archaeology’s Greatest Mystery”


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“Beneath the Pyramids:

Egypt’s Greatest Secret Uncovered”


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“Ancient Egypt 39,000 Bce:

The History, Technology, and Philosophy of Civilization X”


Edward F. Malkowski

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“The Neanderthals Rediscovered:

How Modern Science Is Rewriting Their Story”


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Michael A. Morse

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“The Crystal Sun:

Rediscovering a Lost Technology of the

Ancient World”


Robert Temple

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March 2015
Monthly, Quarterly and Periodical Magazines & Journals

“Rome’s Imperial Port: The site of Portus holds the key to understanding how Rome evolved from a city to an empire”

Archaeology Magazine

“Hydrological transformation coincided with megafaunal extinction in central Australia”


“Specialised hunting of Iberian ibex during Neanderthal occupation at El Esquilleu Cave, northern Spain”


“From The Trenches: Seismic Shift – Sanxingdui Bronze Age civilization”

Archaeology Magazine

“Solar forcing of Holocene summer sea-surface temperatures in the northern North Atlantic”


“The chronology of culture: a comparative assessment of European Neolithic dating approaches”


“From The Trenches: Treasures of Rathfarnham Castle”

Archaeology Magazine

“The global implications of the early surviving rock art of greater Southeast Asia”


“From The Trenches: History’s Largest Megalith”

Archaeology Magazine

“First detection of extraterrestrial material in ca. 2.49 Ga impact spherule layer in Kuruman Iron Formation, South Africa”


“Regional variations in the European Neolithic dispersal: the role of the coastlines”


“World Roundup of Recent Archaeological Discoveries – March/April 2015”

Archaeology Magazine

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