– terrestrial archaeology and solar system history – news headlines archive – May 2002 – new discoveries about ancient civilisation under ancient skies –

The Morien Institute - The events of July 16th to 22nd 1994, when the remnants of a fragmenting comet, P/Shoemaker-Levy 9, bombarded the surface of Jupiter causing fireballs many times the size of our own planet, were an abrupt wake-up call even for those who were aware of them. The historical sciences generally, and archæology in particular, have collectively painted a picture of the past as if our planet stands alone in empty space. Nothing could be further from reality. Our restless planet exists in a solar system that has experienced a very dynamic history over the past 20 to 30 millennia, and it is only from this perspective that the true history of human civilisation will ever be fully understood. The Morien Institute archive therefore contains relevant material from many disciplines

an image of a meteor flashing through the sky

Image of a revolving globe showing current sea levels since the last ice age, before which many ancient societies like Atlantis flourished all over planet Earth on what are now sunken lands.

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The events of July 16th – 22nd 1994, when the remnants of a fragmenting comet, P/Shoemaker-Levy 9, bombarded the
surface of Jupiter causing fireballs many times the size of our own planet, were an abrupt wake-up call even for those
who were aware of them. The historical sciences generally, and archæology in particular, have collectively painted
a picture of the past as if our planet ‘stands alone in empty space’. Nothing could be further from reality. Our
restless planet exists in a solar system that has had a very dynamic history over the past 20 millennia or more
and it is only from this wider solar system perspective that the true history of human civilisation can ever
be fully understood. Therefore, The Morien Institute archive contains information from many disciplines

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but this is usually free

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May 31

“Dragons and Comets”

CCNet Post #8 (UK)

May 31

“Rising Water table threatens Egypt’s monuments”

National Geographic News (USA)

May 31

“Smithsonian anthropologists unlock secrets in bones of ancestors …”

Washington Post (USA)

May 31

“Two ancient towns more than 1,800 years old discovered in Chinese lake”

People’s Daily (China)

May 31

“Experts in submarine technology find bonanza of historical artifacts”

The Detroit News (USA)

May 30

“6th Century catastrophe: Welsh Dragons probably comets”

CCNet Post #7 (UK)

May 30

“Sunken Heracleion – underwater discoveries”

Al-Ahram Weekly (Egypt)

May 30

“Dinosaur Tracks Shed Light on Sauropod Evolution”

National Geographic News (USA)

May 30

“Evidence of the existence of an ancient, highly developed civilization in the Urals”

Pravda (Russia)

May 30

“LIBS gives archaeologists an insight into ancient Minoan technology”

Optics.org (USA)

May 29

“Solar Wind Knocks out Mars Probe”

NEO Information Centre (UK)

May 29

“Researcher finds ancient path with satellite images”

ABC News (USA)

May 29

“Europa has Thick Skin”

NEO Information Centre (UK)

May 29

“Holocene climate records in Europe”

CO2 Science Magazine (USA)

May 28

“Solar flare silences Mars probe”

BBC News Online (UK)

May 28

“Ancient Indians’ creations unearthed”

St. Petersburg Times (USA)

May 28

“Faces from the Ice Age – new discoveries in France”

BBC News Online (UK)

May 28

“New finds worldwide support Flood Myths”

National Geographic News (USA)

May 27

“Rescue begins for seabed relics from 6,000 BC”

The Guardian (UK)

May 27

“Archaeological probe dismisses ‘findings’ of disgraced Fujimura”

The Japan Times (Japan)

May 27

“Mars lander team encouraged”

BBC News Online (UK)

May 26

“British Museum opens talks over return of Elgin marbles”

Daily Telegraph (UK)

May 26

“Rosetta Sound Blasted”

NEO Information Centre (UK)

May 26

“A civilization lost?”

The Advocate Online (USA)

May 26

“It’s a shore thing: diet of fish made man brainy”

The Observer (UK)

May 25

“Alexander the Great spurs fresh gold rush “

State Information Service (Egypt)

May 24

“DNA tests could solve dispute over Columbus”

International Herald Tribune (USA)

May 24

“Boost for life on Mars hunt”

BBC News Online (UK)

May 24

“Chimp tools give new insight into early man”

The Independent (USA)

May 24

“We dig chimp culture”

The Japan Times (Japan)

May 24

“Y Draig Goch in Wales”

CCNet Post #8 (UK)

May 23

“Prehistoric human footpaths lure archaeologists back to Costa Rica”

ScienceDaily.com (USA)

May 23

“China Denies Moon Plans”

NEO Information Centre (UK)

May 23

“Chimp nut-cracking site offers clues to early tool use”

National Geographic News (USA)

May 22

“Divers explore key 8,500 year-old prehistoric site”

BBC News Online (UK)

May 22

“Holocene climate records”

CO2 Science Magazine (USA)

May 21

“Archaeologists find remains of the oldest agricultural community in Africa”

Ananova (UK)

May 21

“2,000-Year-Old Crop Seeds Discovered in NW China”

People’s Daily (China)

May 21

“Archaeologists research migration across Pacific”

ABC News Online (Australia)

May 21

“Granite quarry of Modern Kingdom obelisks unearthed”

State Information Service (Egypt)

May 20

“Oracle’s high priestesses were higher than we thought”

The Guardian (UK)

May 20

“Inhabitants of Utopian island were unwitting polluters”

Ananova (UK)

May 20

“Tomb may yield the sons of Pharaoh Rameses II”

The Guardian (UK)

May 19

“Explorers to return to ocean floor”

The Guardian (UK)

May 19

“Ancient King’s Head Statue Returns Home From Netherlands”

People’s Daily (China)

May 19

“Archeologists and geologists explore seabed for early humans”

National Post Online (Canada)

May 18

“Oldest skeleton in North Africa found near Dendara Temple”

State Information Service (Egypt)

May 18

“Rocky start for dinosaurs”

New Zealand Herald (New Zealand)

May 18

“Oldest skeleton found”

Arabic News (Egypt)

May 17

“Tombs unearthed in Alexandria”

Arabic News (Egypt)

May 17

“Cosmic impacts implicated in both the rise and fall of dinosaurs”

CCNet Post #3 (UK)

May 17

“Digital Cuneiform Library Initiative”

The Nando Times (USA)

May 17

“Astronomers confirm 11 more moons for Jupiter”

New Zealand Herald (New Zealand)

May 17

“Treasures of Behira Governorate abound”

Egypt Antiquity News (Egypt)

May 17

“Asteroids responsible for both rise and fall of dinosaurs”

People’s Daily (China)

May 17

“Stonehenge grave called one of richest Bronze Age sites”

The Boston Globe (USA)

May 16

“Giant dinosaurs arrived with a bang”

New Scientist (UK)

May 16

“Two Martian Meteorites Found”

NEO Information Centre (UK)

May 16

“Great balls of fire made and broke dinosaurs”

Reuters/IOL (South Africa)

May 16

“4,500 year-old ‘King of Stonehenge’ found?”

BBC News Online (UK)

May 16

“Rise of the Dinosaurs by Impact?”

NEO Information Centre (UK)

May 16

“Asteroid impact tied to rise of dinosaurs”

Space.com (USA)

May 16

“Bronze Age archer found buried in all his splendour – and gold earrings”

The Independent (UK)

May 16

“Mercury meteorite puzzle”

BBC News Online (UK)

May 15

“The Amesbury Archer: Press Release”

Wessex Archaeology (UK)

May 15

“SMART-1 To Study NEO Ice”

NEO Information Centre (UK)

May 15

“Archaeologists find ‘unique’ 4,000-year-old archer grave”

Ananova (UK)

May 14

“Historical Impacts?”

CCNet Post #10 (UK)

May 14

“US asks for report on stolen antiquities”

Egypt Antiquity News (Egypt)

May 14

“Statues in Iran challenge theories on Buddhism’s spread”

The Japan Times (Japan)

May 14

“Large fish ‘may follow dinosaurs'”

BBC News Online (UK)

May 14

“Plans to open the Miami Cirlce to the public”

The Miami Herald (USA)

May 13

“Earliest known paper found in ancient Chinese Ruins”

People’s Daily (China)

May 13

“Argentine Craters Exposed”

NEO Information Centre (UK)

May 13

“Pyramids plateau renovation to be completed by 2003”

Arabic News (Egypt)

May 13

“Ancient writing civilisation discovered in Central Asia”

Ananova (UK)

May 13

“The Fossilized Forest Reserve in Màadi”

State Information Service (Egypt)

May 13

“Latest Discovery Challenges China’s Long-term Paper-making Theory”

People’s Daily (China)

May 13

“DNA may find ‘living Incas'”

Ananova (UK)

May 12

“New dawn for City of the Sun”

Egypt Antiquity News (Egypt)

May 12

“Pyramid discovered at Abu Rowash”

Supreme Council of Antiquities (Egypt)

May 11

“May 11-14, 2002, Aurora Gallery – Northern Lights images”

Spaceweather.com (USA)

May 11

“Experts Predict Meteor Storm”

NEO Information Centre (UK)

May 11

“Archeologist with “God’s hands” faked it for 26 years”

Mainichi Daily news (Japan)

May 10

“British Museum welcomes Iraq library project”

BBC News Online (UK)

May 09

“What caused Argentina’s mystery craters?”

National Geographic News (USA)

May 09

“Pyramid unearthed in Abu Rawash”

State Information Service (Egypt)

May 09

“Space Station Telescope to Search for NEOs”

NEO Information Centre (UK)

May 09

“In ancient monastery, a stunning library”

Christian Science Monitor (USA)

May 09

“Heliopolis – new dawn for City of the Sun”

Al-Ahram Weekly (Egypt)

May 08

“Old Alexandria, the first to levy customs and taxes”

State Information Service (Egypt)

May 08

“Protection Top Priority for Yinxu Ruins”

People’s Daily (China)

May 08

“Egypt announces discovery of 30,000 year-old skeleton”

ABC News Online (Australia)

May 08

“Oldest skeleton in north East Africa in Qena”

Arabic News (Egypt)

May 08

“More Late Stone Age artifacts found”

Gulf News Online (Dubai)

May 06

“Pyramid five-millennium old”

Arabic News (Egypt)

May 06

“Fossilized Dinosaur Eggs Discovered in Central China”

Peoples’s Daily (China)

May 06

“Egyptian Queen’s tomb unearthed”

Discovery Channel News (USA)

May 06

“Iraq restores back stolen artifacts”

Arabic News (Egypt)

May 05

“Queen’s pyramid found near Cairo”

BBC News Online (UK)

May 05

“New pyramid found in Egypt”

Egypt Antiquity News (Egypt)

May 05

“Archaeologists stumble on new pyramid”

Ananova (UK)

May 04

“Ancient civilization existed in South China 3,500 years ago”

People’s Daily (China)

May 04

“Iraq seeks to restore glories of Babylon”

Daily Telegraph (UK)

May 04

“Iraq appeals to Berlin for return of Babylon gate”

The Guardian (UK)

May 04

“The Map of the Creator?”

Pravda (Russia)

May 04

“Climate threatens Egypt’s treasures”

BBC News Online (UK)

May 03

“Archaeological News in Brief”

People’s Daily (China)

May 02

“Egyptian initiative to restore Palestinian antiquities”

State Information Service (Egypt)

May 02

“Cultural Relics Boosting Central China’s Tourism”

People’s Daily (China)

May 02

“Ship confirmed as one used by Christopher Columbus”

Ananova (UK)

May 01

“Patent suggests leaves recorded sounds of dinosaurs”

Ananova (UK)

May 2002

“Drawn from Prehistory”

Smithsonian Magazine (USA)

May 2002

“Amazon settlements far older than archaeologists ever suspected”

Discover Magazine (USA)


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