live-sky event for May 24th 2002

text translation service for 25 worldwide languages



image below is what you would have seen looking west around 1 hour

after local sunset


May 24th 2002


all images of this live-sky event were made using

Starry Night Backyard (

UK release), and

Adobe Photoshop 7.0 (

UK release)

click on the dates below to see the planets moving closer together


21 2002 | April 22 2002

| April 23 2002 | April

24 2002 | April 25 2002

| April 26 2002 | April

27 2002

April 28 2002 | April

29 2002 | April 30 2002


1 2002 | May 2 2002 |

May 3 2002 | May

4 2002 | May 5 2002 |

May 6 2002 | May

7 2002 | May 8 2002

May 9 2002 | May

10 2002 | May 11 2002

| May 12 2002 | May

13 2002 | May 14 2002

| May 15 2002

May 16 2002 | May

17 2002 | May 18 2002

| May 19 2002 | May

20 2002 | May 21 2002

May 22 2002 | May

23 2002 | May 24 2002

| May 25 2002 | May

26 2002

May 27 2002 | May

28 2002 | May 29 2002

| May 30 2002 | May

31 2002



take a look at our April 2002 and May 2002 live-sky image archives





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