“The founder and recognized leader of the Russian scientific school of tsunami researchers Sergey (1930-94) and his collaborators describe in detail the waves generated by earthquakes and accompanying phenomena in a region prone to earthquakes and where the written record allows a study of four millennia. Most of the material is quantitative information, including coordinates of the observation sites, dates, heights of tsunami run-ups, main parameters of the earthquakes, and tide gauge records. That is augmented by the electronic database created in the Tsumani Laboratory, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics in Novosibirsk. Only geographical names are indexed.
“Tsunami: Monster Waves (American Disasters)”
Mary Dodson Wade
Janet Hamilton
EU English Edition
“Grade 4-7-Tsunamis, although not common, hold a fascination for both shore dwellers and inland inhabitants. The idea of a huge wave coming suddenly with little warning and capable of major devastation is both awesome and horrifying. This pedestrian book capitalizes on the destructive nature of these great waves.”
“Tidal Waves Wash Away Cities”
Kate Petty
EU English Edition
“Kids in grades 1-3 will enjoy this set of simple yet entertaining facts about tidal waves: from underwater volcanic action to tidal action and ocean problems, this packs in details about tidal waves and their effects on human habitation with over 30 pages including a glossary and bright photos set against black pages.”
“Landslides and Tsunamis”
Barbara Keating, Christopher Waythomas & Alastair Dawson
EU English Edition
“The study of tsunamis has been shifting away from theoretical modeling of tsunami source, wave propagation and runup toward multidisciplinary investigations, with an emphasis on field studies. This collection of papers highlights the many approaches being utilized to study landslides and tsunamis.”
“Caribbean Tsunamis: A 500-year History from 1498 – 1998″
Karen Fay O`Loughlin, James F. Lander (Editor)
EU English Edition
“In the past 500 years, the Caribbean region has had devastating tsunamis causing incalculable damage. It is an area of relatively high seismicity, and although tsunamis are not the chief natural hazard, they have the potential to produce catastrophic regional disasters.
“Today the necessity for awareness is of paramount importance. Tectonic forces continually build stress – until the inevitable release of strain that may trigger a tsunamigenic earthquake. The lack of a major tsunami in the past 57 years is due to a relative lack of relief of built-up energy, and the potential extent of the stress release grows as time elapses. The long period without relief of seismic stress buildup only increases the ominous threat of a devastating tsunami that could result from a sudden seafloor cataclysm.
Caribbean Tsunamis – A 500-Year History from 1498–1998 broadly characterizes the nature of tsunamis in the Caribbean Sea, while bearing in mind both scientific aspects as well as potential interest by the many governments and populations likely to be affected by the hazard. Comprehension of the nature of tsunamis and past effects is crucial for the awareness and education of populations at risk. Audience: This book provides a thorough, yet highly accessible review of tsunamis in the Caribbean. It is of interest not only to tsunami and natural hazards specialists at academia and governmental institutes, but also to policy makers and to the general public.”
“The Mechanics of Earthquakes and Faulting”
Christopher H. Scholz
EU English Edition
“Our understanding of earthquakes and faulting processes has developed significantly since publication of the successful first edition of this book in 1990. This revised edition has therefore been thoroughly up-dated whilst maintaining and developing the two major themes of the first edition. The first of these themes is the connection between fault and earthquake mechanics, including fault scaling laws, the nature of fault populations, and how these result from the processes of fault growth and interaction.
The second major theme is the central role of the rate-state friction laws in earthquake mechanics, which provide a unifying framework within which a wide range of faulting phenomena can be interpreted. With the inclusion of two chapters explaining brittle fracture and rock friction from first principles, this book is written at a level which will appeal to graduate students and research scientists in the fields of seismology, physics, geology, geodesy and rock mechanics.”
“Tsunami Man: Learning About Killer Waves With Walter Dudley”
Anthony D. Fredericks
EU English Edition
“For Dr. Walter Dudley tsunamis are “not just about devastation and destruction, they are about men, women, and children.” Dr. Dudley’s work has expanded our knowledge of these waves and has helped us to better understand and prepare for these unpredictable, yet ever present, dangers.
In Tsunami Man young readers are given an inside look at the life of a working scientist who uses his knowledge for the common good and serves as an exciting role model for future scientists. Filled with dramatic photographs and accounts of tsunami survivors, the book also addresses the “how” and “why” of tsunamis, their impact on human lives, and the ways in which information about these “killer waves” is shared throughout the world.”
The links below are to pages that will give you more information on tsunami – the giant tidal waves that can be caused by undersea earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, and, as it has recently been realised, by the impacts of asteroids, comets and meteorites in the oceans. Their incredible destructive power has been responsible for the sweeping away of many coastal towns, villages, and inundating huge landmasses throughout history and prehistory.
Following tsunami there is often very little evidence left for future archæologists to discover, and it is highly probable that much of the evidence of civilisation near coastal areas in prehistoric times has simply been wiped away by these incredible forces of nature.
One recent study has discovered that, according to radiocarbon dating of sediments from the area, a ‘giant tsunami’ hit the eastern coast of Scotland in 5,800 BC. Stone tools found in the sand off Inverness showed that the waves hit the area without warning following a landslide off Storegga in north-west Norway.
Professor Smith, of the Department of Geography at Coventry University, told
“It looks as if those people were happily sitting in their camp when this wave from the sea hit the camp. Professor Smith of the department of Geography at Coventry University told BBC News Online. We’re talking about two, three or four large waves followed by little ones, that would have been 5-10 metres high. These waves do strike with such force that they are very destructive. It’s like being hit by an express train’.”
A little further south, on Moel Tryfan in North Wales, the mashed and mangled remains of marine molluscs (sea-shells) have been found in so-called ‘Ice-Age drift deposits’ supposedly left there when the ice-sheets melted and retreated back towards the North Pole. But the composition of the supposed ice-sheet deposits told another story entirely.
In their book “Cataclysm: Compelling Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in 9,500 BB”, an academic study of the evidence suggesting that the flood myths of ancient times were based on archaic memories of a ‘real global tsunami’, or ‘deluge’ and which challenges the orthodox interpretation of geological history descending from the notions of a Pleistocene Ice Age theorised by Louis Agassiz in the 1820s, authors D. S. Allan and J. B. state:
“Eroded and fragmentary shells occur within the ‘drift’ deposits on Moel Tryfaen, a mountain in North Wales rising 1,300ft (400m) above sea level. Perplexingly the species represented include not only northern but also temperate and southern forms adapted to very varied habitats. Some required deep and others shallow water, some sandy and others muddy water, and some were peculiar to shingly and others to a bare rocky environment.
In stating that ice could never have brought together so varied a molluscan assemblage as this, it is hardly necessary to add that water could have – in which case the enveloping ‘drift’ deposits must have been similarly water-borne.”
In fact many of the ‘peculiarities’ conventionally attributed to an Ice Age simply could not have been created by the supposed advance and retreat of ice-sheets. Yet, if the many and various ‘flood-myths’ of antiquity, which have been passed down through millennia in the oral traditions of peoples worldwide, are based on true recollections of an ‘archaic deluge’, a catastrophic mega-tsunami could well have produced ALL of the phenomena now attributed to an Ice Age.
These would include:
the global distribution of ‘erratic boulders’ – especially in the latitudes which even the die-hard glaciologists admit were not covered with ice-sheets …
the multi-zone distribution of flora, fauna and marine life-forms in the composition of so-called ‘glacial drift’ in areas where no ice-sheets are even claimed to have existed …
and also in the pitiful conglomerations of broken and twisted remains of animals, birds, fish, trees and plants, pebbles, dirts and clays which can be found in caves and rock crevices in many areas around the world – not to mention the remains of whales and other sea creatures found on mountaintops – irrespective of theorised Pleistocene ice-sheet coverage …
NONE of these supposed ‘Ice Age Peculiarities’ could have been achieved solely by the action of Ice moving horizontally across hilly terrains. The nature of Ice is such that it cannot move uphill, and, as recent scientific surveys have concluded that there were never any huge mountains at the North Pole for ice-sheets to have slid down, ONLY the turbulent waters of mega-tsunami could have brought together such jumbles of life-forms, and forcibly jammed them into the small, tight places we find them today …
Was there really an Ice Age?
Or are the Deluge Traditions and Flood Myths of antiquity based on the sounder science of
One of the best resources for understanding the
December 2004 Tsunami tragedy is the
Sydney Morning Herald’s
Interactive Tsunami Map
below are some details from a selection of recent stories in
New Zealand Herald, New Zealand – December 31, 2004
“Asia’s tsunami death toll soared above 125,000 on Thursday as millions scrambled for food and clean water and rumours of new giant waves sent many fleeing inland in panic. Aid agencies warned many more, from Indonesia to Sri Lanka, could die in epidemics if shattered communications and transport hampered what may prove history’s biggest relief operation.
The death toll had shot up more than 50 per cent in a day with still no clear picture of conditions in some remote villages as well as islands around India and Indonesia.
Rescue workers pressed on into isolated villages devastated by a disaster that could yet eclipse a cyclone that struck Bangladesh in 1991, killing 138,000 people.”
“Tens of thousands more bodies have been found in the sea and wreckage of coastal towns around the Indian Ocean, pushing the death toll from Sunday’s tsunami close to 60,000. Many thousands more people were injured.
Governments and relief agencies have recovered thousands more corpses while trying to treat survivors and take care of millions left homeless, increasingly at threat from disease.
The United Nations has launched what it called an unprecedented relief effort to assist nations hit by the devastating tsunami, which was triggered by a magnitude 9.0 undersea earthquake off the Indonesian island of Sumatra.”
“The Maldives declared a state of emergency today after a tsunami wave deluged the remote Indian Ocean island cluster and flooded two thirds of the capital, officials said, adding 10 people were feared dead.
”The scale of the damage is such that we have decided to declare a state of emergency,” chief government spokesman Ahmed Shaheed told Reuters by mobile telephone from Male.
Maldives President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has spent much of his 26 years in power warning of the dangers that global warming, erosion and shifting weather patterns pose to low-lying island nations like his own.”
“Deadly waves have killed thousands over the years. Tidal waves, or tsunami, often set off by undersea earthquakes, have caused several major disasters in coastal communities over the years.
References to these waves date back as far as ancient Greece and Rome, including a wave that shook the Eastern Mediterranean on July 21, 365, killing thousands of residents of Alexandria, Egypt.
“The world’s most powerful earthquake in 40 years has rocked northern Indonesia, killing thousands of people across Asia.
At least 3,800 people are confirmed dead in Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Bangladesh. But officials expect that number to increase substantially, with hundreds reported missing.
The epicenter of the 8.9 magnitude earthquake was off the west coast of the Indonesia island of Sumatra. The most powerful quake in 40 years triggered massive tidal waves that slammed into villages and seaside resorts.”
“A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.1 struck Japan’s northern island of Hokkaido early Monday, swaying buildings, throwing objects off shelves and triggering a tiny tsunami wave that reached the shore.
Eight people were injured by the 3:32 a.m. quake, but there were no immediate reports of damage.
Japan’s Meteorological Agency quickly issued a tsunami warning for the eastern shores of Hokkaido’s Pacific coastal area. Tsunami are potentially dangerous waves triggered by seismic activity”
“When earthquakes hit the Kii Peninsula and the Tokaido region on Sept. 5, an alarming number of people placed their lives in danger by heading to the seaside to watch for tsunami.
The Kii Peninsula earthquake struck at 7:07 p.m. and the Tokaido one at 11.57 p.m., both measuring upper 5 on the meteorological agency’s scale of 7. Tsunami began reaching the shores of Mie and Wakayama prefectures 20 minutes after the earthquakes.
After the second earthquake, a 90-centimeter tsunami swept into Fukuro Port in Kushimotocho, Wakayama Prefecture.”
September 13, 2004, Astrobiology Magazine, USA: “Earth is the only planet we know of that has life, but it is not exactly a safe haven. Planetary processes such as volcanoes, earthquakes, extreme weather and climate change often threaten life, and sometimes have led to the extinction of species.
A tsunami, while not a cause of extinction, is one of the many hazards of living on Earth. Tsunamis are large waves caused by the disruption of seawater. Earthquakes on the ocean floor generate most tsunamis, but they also may result from the eruption or collapse of island or coastal volcanoes, or from giant landslides on the edge of the sea.
According to Professor Bill McGuire, Director of University College London’s Benfield Hazard Research Centre, a mega-tsunami could someday cause death and destruction to the eastern coasts of North and South America and the western coast of Africa.”
[Full Story]
“Sirens, text messaging to warn against tsunamis”
Stuff, New Zealand – September 6, 2004
“Sirens and text messaging could be used to warn Western Bay people against tsunamis and other killer disasters.
The prospect of alerting those in the path of impending tsunamis with a text message has been raised in Western Bay council papers and is being considered by government agencies.
“The idea is to send a text message to every mobile phone that is in the path of a tsunami and within range of nearby cellphone towers … “
“Scientists have determined a gigantic tsunami hit the Big Island 120-thousand years ago. The wave surged almost four miles inland and deposited fossil-laden sand up to an elevation of at least 16-hundred feet.
“The University of Hawaii’s School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology says the tsunami was generated by the Alika Two Landslide, which came down the western slope of nearby Mauna Loa … “ [full story]
“FOR many inhabitants of the Pacific coast, powerful waves caused by earthquakes or underwater landslides—generally known by their Japanese name, tsunamis—are an ominous threat.
When a wave 15 metres (50 feet) high pounded the northern shores of Papua New Guinea in July 1998, the inhabitants were taken by surprise. This tsunami killed more than 2,200 villagers, making it one of the most destructive in recent years. But it was just one of a string of killer waves that have struck the western Pacific over the past few years.
Since 1990, ten big tsunamis have claimed more than 4,000 lives. So it would be nice to be able to detect such tsunamis far enough in advance for people to be evacuated. But that is not easy.”
[full story]
“Canary Islands Landslides And Mega-Tsunamis: Should We Really Be Frightened?”
ScienceDaily, USA – August 19, 2004
“What is the reality behind stories of mega-tsunamis wiping out the American east coast and southern England? Very little, according to Dr Russell Wynn and Dr Doug Masson from Southampton Oceanography Centre, who have been studying Canary Islands landslides for many years.
Their research has shown that stories of a devastating ‘mega-tsunami’ some 300 feet high and travelling at 500 mph are greatly exaggerated, and that reports suggesting tens of millions of people could be killed have little basis in reality.
Dr Russell Wynn said, ‘The Canary Islands are volcanic islands that collapse at regular intervals in geological time. However, it is important to remember that in the last 200,000 years there have only been two major landslides on the flanks of the Canary Islands. At SOC we have studied previous Canary Islands landslides to understand how they move, and have found good evidence to show that the landslides actually break up and fall into the sea in several stages.’“
[full story]
“Scientist warns of tsunami in the making”
ABC News Online, Australia – August 10, 2004
“Tidal waves which could swamp the eastern seaboard of the Americas are a more pressing concern than the chance of an asteroid causing mass destruction, according to scientists studying natural disasters.
Scientist Bill McGuire has told a news conference tens of millions of people along the eastern seaboard of the United States and Canada may drown if the slow slippage of a volcano off north Africa becomes a cataclysmic collapse.”
[full story]
“44 years later, deadly tsunami still frozen in time”
KPUA News, Hawaii – May 23, 2004
“The clock on the tall green pedestal on Kamehameha Avenue in Hilo still freezes the moment.
That is – 1:04 a-m – the time a deadly tsunami struck Hilo on May 23, 1960, leaving the timepiece as one of few surviving landmarks. The 35-foot wall of water destroyed much of Hilo and killed 61 people.
The Pacific Tsunami Museum will commemorate the 44th anniversary with the Tsunami Story Festival, ‘When Time Stood Still.’
Five survivors of the 1960 tsunami will be honored at the event, including 95-year-old Fusayo Ito who was knocked unconscious when the tsunami wave hit her Waiakea home.”
[full story]
“Killer Waves: Scientists are learning
how to predict tsunami risk”
Science News, USA –
March 6, 2004
“Last Nov. 16, at 8:43 p.m., a magnitude-7.5 earthquake struck deep beneath the ocean near Alaska’s Little Sitkin Island, far out in the Aleutian Islands. Within 25 minutes, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientists issued a tsunami warning for U.S. Pacific coastal areas.
Forty minutes later, a pressure sensor on the seafloor hundreds of kilometers south of Alaska detected the tsunami’s vanguard pulses. Data from that instrument—one of six in a network activated just the previous month—indicated that the wave was only 2 centimeters tall there. Simulations previously run on computers suggested that such a wave wouldn’t be a danger to Hawaii or other distant shores, and NOAA canceled its tsunami warning less than 90 minutes after the quake occurred.
A few hours later, the tsunami swept into the harbor in Hilo, Hawaii, and raised water levels there about 21 cm, just 2 cm higher than predicted by the simulations … “
[full story]
“Pacific nation of Tuvalu preparing to disappear
beneath tides this week”
TerraDaily, USA – February 16, 2004
“Weather authorities in Tuvalu warned Monday their small South Pacific nation is likely to be inundated by unusual tides later this week.
“Tuvalu, home to 11,500 people living on nine scattered atolls all less than 4.5 metres (15 feet) above sea level, will be hit Thursday and Friday by “king tides” associated with the new moon, Hilia Vavae of the Tuvalu Meteorological Office told AFP.”
[full story]
“Tsunami hits Namlea after tectonic quake”
Antara, Indonesia – January 30, 2004
“A tsunami (tidal wave) reportedly attacked Namlea, capital of Buru district, after a tectonic quake measuring 6.8 on the Richter Scale rocked Pulau Kelang in Central Maluku district, at 07:15 hours local time on Thursday morning.
“Some residents in Namlea contacted by Antara by phone on Thursday afternoon said the tidal wave came all of a sudden but it caused no damage to the people`s homes in the coastal area.”
[full story]
“Did a Bolide Impact cause catastrophic tsunamis in Australia and New Zealand?”
Earth2Class, USA – January 22, 2004
“Dallas Abbott and her colleagues have been exploring evidence that some historical tsunami events in the South Pacific resulted from bolide (asteroid or meteorite) impacts, rather than earthquakes as previously postulated.
Goff attributes coastal abandonment in New Zealand at 1500 A.D. [1] to an earthquake-induced tsunami event. However, the largest historical earthquakes produced maximum tsunami runups of 40 to 60 meters. On Stewart Island, New Zealand, beach sand is present ~220 meters above sea level at Hellfire Hut and ~150 meters above sea level at Mason Bay.
In eastern Australia, there are mega tsunami deposits with maximum run-ups of over 130 meters and a C-14 age of ~1500 A.D[2]. Megatsunami deposits occur on the eastern side of Lord Howe Island in the middle of the Tasman Sea, implying a source crater for the tsunami further east. We named this source crater Mahuika for the Maori god of fire.”
[full story]
“Three killed, six missing in tsunami in Changsha”
People’s Daily, China – January 14, 2004
“Three people were killed and six reported missing after a tsunami swept away two tractors carrying 21 people in the coastal town of Changsha, Rudong County, east China’s Jiangsu Province.
The huge wave came ashore at around 5 a.m. Sunday, hitting the tractors which were transporting peasants to the shore to collect seaweed.
Local police sent four boats to search for the missing people, and alerted fishing boats nearby to join the search. Forty boats came to help.”
[full story]
“Islanders tell of sea terror”
New Zealand Herald, New Zealand – January 09, 2004
“The sea around Niue looked deceptively innocent yesterday, calm waves rolling on to the island known as the Rock of the Pacific.
But residents speak of a different sea … of murderous tsunami-type waves that swept up 30m cliffs, smashed through houses and buildings, then chased people inland before swamping the bush.”
[full story]
“1700 Japan Tsunami Linked To Massive
North American Quake”
Science Daily, USA – November 21, 2003
“Guided by Japanese writings from an era of shoguns, an international team of scientists today reported new evidence that an earthquake of magnitude 9 struck the northwestern United States and southwestern Canada three
centuries ago. Their findings are likely to affect the region’s precautions against future earthquakes and tsunamis.
Writing in the Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, published by the American Geophysical Union, scientists from Japan, Canada and the United States summarize old reports of flooding and damage by a tsunami in 1700 on the Pacific coast of Japan. With the aid of computer simulations, they conclude that this tsunami must have been generated by a North American earthquake of close to magnitude 9. Such an earthquake would, in a few minutes, release about as much energy as the United States now consumes in a month.
The earthquake apparently ruptured the full length of an enormous fault, known as the Cascadia subduction zone, which extends more than 1,000 kilometers [600 miles] along the Pacific coast from southern British Columbia to
northern California. Until the early 1980s, this fault was thought benign by most scientists, said Atwater. But then a swift series of discoveries in North America showed that the fault produces earthquakes of magnitude 8 or larger at irregular intervals, averaging about 500 years. The most recent of the earthquakes, dated by radiocarbon methods, occurred between 1680 and 1720.
These discoveries raised a further question: Can the fault produce earthquakes of magnitude 9? Such a giant earthquake would produce low-frequency shaking, lasting minutes, that might now threaten tall buildings from Vancouver, British Columbia, to northern California. A giant Cascadia earthquake would also warp large areas of seafloor, thereby setting off a train of ocean waves – a tsunami – that could prove destructive even on the far side of the Pacific Ocean.
An animation, prepared by Kenji Satake, which shows hourly snapshots of the simulated tsunami moving across the Pacific Ocean for a full day, may be viewed here. Those with dial-up internet access should please be patient as the animation is well worth the download wait …
[full story]
“Scientists Eye Asteroid Tsunami Risk”
Discovery Channel News – June 2, 2003
“A new computer model of the potential asteroid impact shows tsunamis on the Atlantic coast of North America reaching 400 feet in height as they rise out of the ocean near shore and break over coastal towns and cities. All from an asteroid that’s only two-thirds of a mile across (one kilometer) — one-tenth the diameter of the dinosaur killer asteroid of 65 million years ago.”
[full story]
“Researchers plot course of ancient
American tsunami”
Ananova, UK – October 28, 2002
“Researchers have calculated the scale of a giant wave that devastated the north west coast of America 1,100 years ago. Japanese scientists used computer modelling to recreate the devastation from the ancient tsunami.
The team from the Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution in Kobe say the work will help planners minimise the impact of any future wave.”
[full story]
“Asteroid Tsunami”
ABC Catalyst, Australia – October 24, 2002
“We’ve heard how large asteroids devastate the Earth every few hundred thousand years or so. One wiped out the dinosaurs and Hollywood’s even made movies about one wiping out us.
But Australian scientist Ted Bryant says it’s not the infrequent big space rocks we really should be concerned about it’s the smaller ones. Bryant takes Catalyst reporter Graham Philips to the cliff tops of the coastline around Wollongong and finds geological features that he claims were made by Tsunami’s that in turn were caused by asteroid impact.”
[full story]
“New Wave Supercompters Catch Big Wave”
SpaceDaily, USA – June 5, 2002
“The new wave in computing – super-fast machines churning out three-dimensional models viewable in high-tech, immersive theaters – may teach us more about the big waves that sometimes threaten people who live near the seashore.
Although earthquakes cause most of these giant waves, called tsunamis, researchers at the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Los Alamos National Laboratory recently completed the largest and most accurate simulation of tsunamis caused by asteroids.”
[full story]
Ancient Mysteries
for a wide selection of
books that challenge
orthodox views of
prehistory on
our planet :
“Eden in the East: The Drowned Continent of Southeast Asia”
Stephen Oppenheimer
EU English Edition
“A book that completetly changes the established and conventional view of prehistory by relocating the Lost Eden – the world’s 1st civilization – to SouthEast Asia. At the end of the Ice Age, SouthEast Asia formed a continent twice the size of India, which included Indochina, Malaysia, Indonesia and Borneo.
The South China Sea, the Gulf of Thailand and the Java sea, which were all dry, formed the connecting parts of the continent. Geologically, this half sunken continent is the Shunda shelf or Sundaland.
He produces evidence from ethnography, archaeology, oceanography, from creation stories, myths and sagas and from linguistics and DNA analysis, to argue that this founder civilization was destroyed by a catastrophic flood, caused by a rapid rise in the sea level at the end of the last ice age.”
“Red, Earth, White Lies: Native Americans & the Myth of Scientific Fact”
Vine Deloria
EU English Edition
“Leading Native American scholar and author of the best-selling books God Is Red and Custer Died for Your Sins, Vine Deloria, Jr., addresses the conflict between mainstream scientific theory about the world and the ancestral worldview of Native Americans. Claiming that science has created a largely fictional scenario for American Indians in prehistoric North America, Deloria offers an alternative view of the continent’s history as seen through the eyes and memories of Native Americans.
“The World Almanac and Book of Facts”
Ken Park (Editor)
EU English Edition
extracts from pages
in the book:
“… systems can drive ocean water inland and cause significant flooding. Coastal floods can also be produced by sea waves called tsunamis, sometimes referred to as tidal waves: these waves are produced by earthquakes or volcanic activity
“… of the volcano collapsed to 1,000 ft below sea level, sinking most of the island and killing over 3,000. A tsunami (tidal wave) generated by the collapse killed more than 31,000 people in Java and Sumatra, and eventually reached England.”
“Furious Earth: The Science and Nature of Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis”
Ellen J. Prager
EU English Edition
from the back cover:
“The Science Behind the Earth’s Most Catastrophic Phenomena. If our planet is a sleeping giant, it slumbers fitfully and awakens in powerful starts. Our familiar landscape bears the scars f hidden forces at work deep beneath it. Furious Earth contains the latest science on these forces and the cataclysmic phenomena they produce – earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis.
Now, hard-won knowledge of these phenomena, gained often in the aftermath of disaster or through dangerous research efforts, is presented here by scientist Ellen Prager with the following experts: Stanley Willaims, Ph.D. Professor of Volcanology, Arizona State University, on volcanoes; Kate Hutton, Ph.D., Seismologist, California State Institute of Technology, on earthquakes; Costas Synolakis, Ph.D., Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Southern California, on tsunamis.”
Japan’s Mysterious Pyramids: YONAGUNI
Do undersea relics near Okinawa offer proof of a sophisticated civilization during the last ice age?
“Earthshaking Science : What We Know (and Don’t Know) about Earthquake”
Susan Elizabeth Hough
EU English Edition
“Earthshaking Science is the first book to really make sense of the dizzying array of information that has emerged in recent decades about earthquakes. Susan Hough, a research seismologist in one of North America’s most active earthquake zones and an expert at communicating this complex science to the public, separates fact from fiction. She fills in many of the blanks that remained after plate tectonics theory, in the 1960s, first gave us a rough idea of just what earthquakes are about. How do earthquakes start? How do they stop? Do earthquakes occur at regular intervals on faults? If not, why not? Are earthquakes predictable? How hard will the ground shake following an earthquake of a given magnitude? How does one quantify future seismic hazard?
“As Hough recounts in brisk, jargon-free prose, improvements in earthquake recording capability in the 1960s and 1970s set the stage for a period of rapid development in earthquake science. Although some formidable enigmas have remained, much has been learned on critical issues such as earthquake prediction, seismic hazard assessment, and ground motion prediction. This book addresses those issues. Because earthquake science is so new, it has rarely been presented outside of technical journals that are all but opaque to nonspecialists. Earthshaking Science changes all this. It tackles the issues at the forefront of modern seismology in a way most readers can understand.”
“Cataclysm: Compelling Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in 9500 BC”
D. S. Allan & J. B. Delair
EU English Edition
“Previously titled – When the Earth Nearly Died & republished by Bear & Co. under this title. This is an excellent, well-documented book that basically disproves the ice age as it has been believed in the last 200 years. Methodically explores mythology, biology, geology, botony, astronomy and so much more to show there is no scientific proof for a long ice age or series of ice ages and that most of what is blamed on an ice-age and moving glaciers is in error.
Shows the probable explanation is that an extraordinary event occured involving some type of body entering our solar system and effecting each planet and ultimately the earth causing major axis shifts, global earthquakes, land upheavals, hurricanes, floods, tidal waves, fires, and so on.”
“Nature on the Rampage: Tsunamis”
Christy Steele
EU English Edition
“One of a series that examines natural disasters and extreme weather, detailing the science behind them and the negative and positive effects on people and the environment. The book includes research into predicting natural disasters, safety tips on surviving them, and information on notable disasters in history as well as myths created to explain their origin.”
There are so many ‘flood myths’, ‘deluge traditions’, and stories of ‘sunken lands’ from almost every corner of the world which have been passed down through millennia via the oral traditions of so many cultures that it is no longer ‘scientific’ to dismiss them as ‘unscientific’.
To place no scientific value on the ‘oral traditions’ of the many different cultures whose ancient indigenous knowledge can be traced back many millennia is sheer folly, and such contempt for the natural science’ and philosophies of peoples who still live close to nature demonstrates just how far modern science has strayed from the very nature that science is supposed to be studying.
The Morien Institute ‘Marine Archæology News Archive’ offers just a small selection of stories about recent underwater discoveries which date from 1997 to 2010, and concern the mounting evidence of urban remains that suggest a global history of ‘catastrophic inundations’ and ‘tsunami events’ far greater than previously believed by mainstream academics …